The Harvest Time and again, you have been told when and how you harvest marijuana may be more important than the whole cultivation process. That, of course, is not entirely true. What you can take to the bank, though, is that doing it at the wrong time and improperly can result in disaster - an irreversible catastrophe. If you have any doubts at all, check in with other people and the in-house experts. Other Equipment For indoor cultivation not only to be successful but also incredibly rewarding, you also need other equipment to ensure the perfect growing environment. This section is for everything that is required, and anything else you could ever use in aid of raising the plants to their full potential. You may know some of these tools and devices, but there is a lot more out there that could make your life easier, and the plants love you more. The Grow Room So, you’ve heard all about the good things about growing indoors. But all that you could do with the plants are predicated on the grow room. There are plenty of options here, and that is dependent on considerations that include the type of strain and the number of plants you plant to grow. Confused with how you should get started? No worries. The answers are here in this section. The Basics Growing indoors is vastly different from the outdoors. In exchange for having absolute control over all the environmental factors that make them thrive and produce insane yields, you do everything yourself. That includes providing the right kind of light and maintaining ideal temperature, humidity, and pH levels. So, whatever general questions you have, this section is here for you. Lights & Ventilation As far as you have come to know about growing and harvesting the highest quality marijuana buds, both light and air circulation are among the cornerstones of a healthy environment. But the choices - brand, type, and so many other considerations - are nothing but sheer. There is no one way of configuring the perfect setup. Hence, if you need to make sense of all these choices, find the answers here. The Grow As a beginner in growing marijuana, your concern is to make sure the plants thrive and give you insane yields of potent flowers. From the fundamentals of indoor cultivation to advanced techniques you could use, find them all here in this section. And, if they are not available, ask the questions and get all the answers you need to reap the cleanest, purest buds ever.