To clone or not?

Hi all.

I have a situation new to me. I am growing 1 auto (Purple Bud) and 2 photos (1 Runtz Fast Flowering & 1 Super Lemon Haze) that germinated around the same time growing in my 4X4 tent. Auto had been vegging for a month and has started the preflower stretch a couple of days ago. All good there.

So I want to take 2 cuttings each from the Runtz and SLH a week from now and plant them in 3 gallon pots. Then I will flip them all to flower when the autoflower finishes. I hope I could explain the situation.
Is this a good idea for a huge yield?

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Hi, I never had any luck with putting cuttings right into dirt. They need to be rooted in water with bubble rock running. That’s going to take a week or more to get roots to grow. So why not just start another seed.

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Hey. 10x for the reply.
I am going to use root master cubes for the clones with some Aloe Vera gel from my garden.
So the q is if I succeed is it worth it?
Last but not least I live in a rough place to buy seeds and such…

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In my opinion cloning is a Win! :yin_yang: You get another shot at growing the same plant minus the cost of the seed! Only difference if pulled while in Veg is no tap root! :peace_symbol: Why limit clones to just 1??? :thinking::wink:


I will take 2 clones from each of the plants because of space and lighting limitations. And flip them to flower once they are in good shape.
Btw couldn’t understand what you mean by


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When you take a clone while she is in Veg will be a copy of the mother plant. If you take clones after she flowering the clone will have closer nodes after it re-veg. When you pull a plant after harvest you can tell clone from plant started by seed due to the tap root: clones have only root ball :yin_yang:


Thanks for the reply @Chasworks
Alright got it.
The thing is I don’t want to reveg after cloning. I want take a clone in veg so that yield shall increase. I was trying to ask if that is a good idea.
Is it gonna make a difference or not. Because like I wrote in the 1st post I have an auto in there and I will flip to12/12 after she is done. And there will be a place for another pot with full lights.


Take the clone, she won’t flip until she is mature enough rather at 12hrs or not! If nothing else you will have the experience: check my grow, out side with day light at 11:30 hrs


So this is possible the size your clone will get to be even if it started at 12/12 so its your decision if you think its worth it :yin_yang:


Ok mate. thanks for all the input once more.
I will wait a couple days more and take my cuttings on monday.

I will keep posting here with some photos.


I am riding along with you, :eyes: no problem i am here to help when possible :yin_yang::sunny::palm_tree::peace_symbol:


this one is still in Veg, even though its 12:35 hrs darkness since she popped: she should flip soon :yin_yang:

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these are the mothers

super lemon haze


They both look healthy! Careful not to cut the Mothers harvest too much by removing too much of the plant :yin_yang:


fed them today 2litres each with biobizz fishmix and root juice.
they are almost 5 weeks now from the day planted in the soil directly
that runtz ff is growing like crazy. topped 10 days ago.
i decided to cut the bottom 4 from her and then i will top again.
then i will try the kushman chiro. hope it goes well :metal:
slh is very bushy. dont know if i will clone yet.


Couldn’t wait till monday and considering i watered them yesterday i thot it was a good time to make the clones.2 runtz and 2 superlemonhaze taken.
dipped in to aloe vera gel
stuck in to rootmaster cubes

wish me luck fellas


Well you took 3 more than you needed, so your off to a Smart start :yin_yang:


Your rooting all 4 in 1 cube!!! Can i ask why? Sure complicates things even if you plan to pull 3:


zoom in…actually it looks like 4 little cubes


Yes @spudgunner has the eyes.
they are four cubes.
If all survive I would be very :grin:

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