One plant in a 4x4 Stretch

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Co2 system… sugar wash plus yeast plus raisins.

More to follow up later…


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Each snipped Tiny there DOUBLES THE BRANCH I CUT IT OFF OF.

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Looks like i made 64 or so out of 32 abouts


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My Amazon found irrigation system.

One needed for each consecutive grow…

Im running two grows at different sizes.

This requires different amounts of water.

Here’s a video of the grow you are watching



Trimm Day


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We’re on fire now Charlie.



One morning later

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TeamFatOnes Out


Too much Cal-Mag


Dialing it back a minute

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Morning inspection

She is dying


Killed all microbiology in soil and hurt her some.


My water system had an Air Bubble in the intake line

No water for a day and a half…

Manual feed until dripping.

Then in an hour, I will reapply microbes

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Stupid computers


Two days of force feeding nitrogen.

Burning them a bit…

But my absolute favorite gum is fuggum

Incoming pictures

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Turning her Dark Green.

Slowly but surely…

Plus nitrogen Sirs…
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The same day,

I think she is greener…

Whaddya think?

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Burn baby burn…

My target is dark green plant in a week.

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That much nitrogen should be put in a gallon or two…

I put into a cup and poured undiluted into her roots…

Cross your fingers :crossed_fingers:


She ate the nitrogen and grew out over the greener stuff already.

Dumped a quarter tsp into her feed water of RAW nitrogen.

RAW products line is pure chemical grade plant available inputs for feed water.

I use and recommend so you can watch her eat extra.

My regular feedline gives minerals excess when high feed.

The RAW line is flexible and economic.

Here’s my girl

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Switching to flower strech.

21 days countdown till a total leaf stripping


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Lighting set to 1500 PPFD

64.8 micro moles per day at 12 hours

Welcome to flowering in a Co2 bath

TeamFatOnes Out


Looks like you put in a ton of work and made a nice save after the water issue. Keep it up man, your stuff is so informative!

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Say goodbye to the grow

Sad face

