What do I need?

Newbie here, just trying to make some homegrown here, any tips ?

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@Jilim Welcome to the Forum. Let us know what you’re after when you grow. Medical? or THC BOMB? :ear_of_rice:

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Medical, what is a thc bomb?

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@THC Bomb is a high thc strain

Medical for CBD or THC both can be for whatever ills you. some prefer high CBD plants these days. we do both some years when we know we won’t be going after any seeds

So besides your seeds (genetics) you need a good light, soil and a way to control your environment, if growing in an enclosed space.

I’d suggest watching the beginners series on growing by Kyle kushman on YouTube. Lots if great information


Yes really great videos of kyle

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Welcome Newbie @Jilim browse around and get some great ideas and advice!! Everyone here is here because we love growing and sharing our knowledge with others.

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