What do I need?

Newbie here, just trying to make some homegrown here, any tips ?

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@Jilim Welcome to the Forum. Let us know what you’re after when you grow. Medical? or THC BOMB? :ear_of_rice:

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Medical, what is a thc bomb?

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@THC Bomb is a high thc strain

Medical for CBD or THC both can be for whatever ills you. some prefer high CBD plants these days. we do both some years when we know we won’t be going after any seeds

So besides your seeds (genetics) you need a good light, soil and a way to control your environment, if growing in an enclosed space.

I’d suggest watching the beginners series on growing by Kyle kushman on YouTube. Lots if great information


Yes really great videos of kyle

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Welcome Newbie @Jilim browse around and get some great ideas and advice!! Everyone here is here because we love growing and sharing our knowledge with others.

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Hello Everyone
I would love some recommendations on growing with soil indoors.
What soil should I use ? Nutrients in vegetative stage, flowering stage and flushing ?
I have grown hydroponically but everyone has been telling me
that growing in soil is better. So I’d thought I’d try
Rob F

Dear DMT,
I decided to try soil instead of hydroponics which I have always done before.
I would love some direction on growing soil. Specifically, what type of soil. What nutrients
for the vegetative, flowering and flushing stages
Thanks much
Rob F

I recently have been using Sensi living soil. And I’ve used Foop organic bioscience nutrients for the last 3 or 4 years and they are the best I’ve ever used. And they do have a lot of good sales they just had a buy one get one free so I stocked up for the next year. And I use both their veg nutrients and they’re Bloom nutrients.

For a home grow, start with good soil, plenty of light, and don’t overwater your plants. Keep an eye on how the leaves look for any signs of issues like yellowing or drooping. Patience and consistency are key, and don’t be afraid to tweak things as you learn!

Start with a quality soil and simple-to-grow strains, such as autoflowers or indica-dominant hybrids. Make sure your plants get sufficient light, either indoors or outdoors, and check the level of watering-not too high, not too low. Steady the emperature and humidity. Relax; you’ll learn as you grow! Good luck!

Superthrive Grow
Superthrive Bloom


Fox Farms Happy Frog soil (2cu.ft)
Fox Farms ocean Forest soil (1.5cu.ft.)
Worm castings for extra Nitrogen.

A pH pen
A TDS tester
A PPFD light meter
A Lazer gun type thermometer.

A dark place at night…

Thats the bare minimum.

Good luck




For easy menu options and genetics selection…

There are many others. This is just one in America