Grow journal #1

Man, that makes me nervous just thinking about it.

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I donā€™t know. Iā€™ve never had one sprout like that myself, but Iā€™d love to come across it to try. In other groups, flowers, trees, etc are sprouting doubles. Interesting, huh?

Yea both will live MD gets on here he can help with it

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I meant to tag him up there. @MDBuds, can you help this gentleman out?

Itā€™s really self explanatory just have to be really really careful

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Have you done it before?

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Well, I can certainly certify that I had one taproot at the time of planting, however, if itā€™s all one plant cant I just let it grow as one plant?


Thatā€™s why I said above, separate her or let her fly. :star_struck: :v:t2:

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@kmac03 what will I be helping with now? The surgical separation of conjoined twins? :joy:


So, is there any harm in just letting it be?


@Eggs no no harm. If you manage to separate successfully though you can get two plants but itā€™s fairly difficult to do because you never know if they share a hurd and xylem or if they have two hurds and separate xylem unless thereā€™s an obvious ā€œsplitā€ in the meristem.


Yes! I want to watch. :no_mouth:


@kmac03 if I ever get some conjoined twins that I know will survive the butchering Iā€™ll make a video just for you. :joy:


That would be amazing. Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve seen something so dramatic. :grimacing:


Well thatā€™s what I was wondering, I only have space for one plant currently so leave as is lol


@Eggs itā€™ll grow just fine. Only thing to watch for with double tap root means double the feeder roots so it can root bind easy and will be susceptible to potential root rot from binding if not transplanted at the appropriate time.

A good work around to this is a fabric bucket so the roots can just grow out the sides of the pots and air prune.


So fitting that you have your Batsuit on in your picture. You save the day often and I appreciate you.


@kmac03 I chose it because my lady calls me Batman for various reasons, but generally because I like to ā€œthrow on the capeā€ and help people when I can.

Thank you. I appreciate you as well. :joy:


I do have to say one more time, that Iā€™m very positive there was no second tap root and it germed for several days, the seed shell was practically off already when I plantedā€¦is there any chance this cld just be a freak growth or maybe the seed was jostled sideways or upside down n we just started lst super early lolā€¦also if it is twins then itā€™s not twins its triplets as I have 3 sets of the little round leaves


@Eggs can you share a new photo? Iā€™d like to see this. Sometimes if a taproot splits itself one half will stay in the ground and the other will come to the surface and sprout leaves. Itā€™s pretty rare but Iā€™ve seen a few plants do it.

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