What am I doing wrong?

I just germinated some crystal pinkman I bought from this site a year and a half ago. I have never had germination problems from this site…though I went to other sites because the prices are outrageous here.

If youre having problems germinating seeds just use a propagation kit. They are about 30-50 bucks. I prefer to just drop the seed in the final container and cover it with mulch. But im always using the super germinator also when im jockeying for space and need to buy a couple weeks… Its about 100% effective and generally you will know if its the seeds that’s bad as it will keep your seeds in perfect condition (rh & temp is much easier to regulate in a propagation kit) without having to disturb them by re-wetting them.

Get one of these and your seeding will be a breeze. I never soak and paper towel my seeds. I think its just a waste of time… The seeds in the super sprouter are at 75% rh and 80 degrees… all be sprouted in 2-4 days with no soaking.


30 - 50 dollars seems like a heavy investment when you can just use tap water in a shot glass to do the same thing?

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well… I don’t know Hans. 9/10 growing strong and healthy under 70 hrs with super healthy stems and color. $40 well spent considering the cost of seeds if you’re inexperienced with seeding.


more than that with the cost of the soil and your little 2 dollar temp/humidity checkers, a shot glass with water and as many seeds as you want. they will all germinate and doesn’t cost anything. But hey you do you lol each his own.

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Hans… That post was obviously for a beginner not a master like yourself. But as the auto king, im sure you know every day is day once that seed is wet… By time you drop your pretty little tap root in dirt, mine are growing their second set of true leaves. Carry. on with the shot glass, sir.


I encourage you to find another seed supplier. I had the same issue with all of the purple gelato I purchased. 2 out 16 actually popped a tap but 1 never made passed seedling. I went to another supplier used same paper towel method all 20 seed popped in 2 days .from my experience, I believe homegrown is pushing bad seeds , even all the giveaways i got are bad. I got 12 of the seeds they promote on podcast and none of them popped. I find it very strange to tell some to soak a seed for 3 days anything will become water logged and useless after 3 days in water… homegrown won’t get anymore of my money. Sometimes we put much thought into this. If in nature the seed falls from plant to the ground and plants itself, the process cant be that hard. To confirm this i plant a new supplier seed in dirt 2 weeks after the one from homegrown that actually did make it, the new seed eventually caught up to homegrown and passed it in growth. That was test enough for me. Good luck and happy growing.

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wow second set of leaves in 2 - 3 days IMPRESSIVE! It takes 2 -3 days for a 1/2 inch tap then straight to soil. So if you are growing plants that fast you should market that.

These are 16 days from the time I dropped the seeds in water, i.e.

If you don’t believe me I can do a picture documentary of how to germinate in water, ever heard of hydroponics? I take what I do seriously and wouldn’t lie to somebody or mislead them in any way…that is not why I am here. Sorry to hear about your seeds…I don’t use them either…first seeds were bought from them and I now use other cultivars. All 20 grows of 2 -3 plants have been germinated with a 100 percent success rate, in a shot glass with water and stuck in the cabinet

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Hans i have more free auto seeds were going to just let them sit in fridge but i am going to drop them your method! See if it works that easy for me! Bottle water, shot glass seeds into cabinet for 3 days :nerd_face: i will see you here in 3 days with results. :yin_yang:

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It has worked for me so I hope you have the same awesome results!!

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Its all good i only been growing for a year. I chose homegrown only because one day I was listening to the podcast and it got very interesting to me so I hit up the site and purchased. At that ime I was growing a different place with not one issue 16 plants seed to harvest. Went to do HG seed dropped 5 at first 1 made did 5 more none made it. Did claim process got new ones and none of those even got tap roots. At the point I was over it , doodoo happens lol.

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I hope thats not you back peddling because i usually go direct to soil!

I dropped 2 at 6pm in shot glass in cabinet bottled water: tic tok check back with you Sat with your 99.9 % guarantee!


next week I will be dropping 3 more autos and I will document it this time…just to put on here for people step by step if they are interested Here is an couple old pictures I found…proof lol

This is just 3 of my grows but as you can see all germinated

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Hey look you said it i’m trying it. Not to prove you wrong! Hopefully to get my first auto seeds to actually pop: i don’t use the paper towel aka napkin method! I usually go direct to soil: which works most of the time: i keep my seeds in the refrigerator. With cloning of the photo fem i tend to have seeds for a longer period before i drop a genetics and replace with a different genetics by way of a seed. So i do way more plants from Clones than from seeds: its a photo fem thing. Lol


Maybe send an email to HCG and let them know. Maybe they’ll comp your seeds.

They look nice Hans… obviously there is more than one way to skin a cat. Its okay if people do it differently than me… I promise I won’t be offended lol.

Dropped the bean on a group of four on 10/24. By my calculation these are 21 days from seed and 18-19 from sprout.

They are a little droopy from their water this morn.

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This group dropped on 11-5-22 and been out of the ground since the 7th-8th (about 5 days)

Mephisto’s Wedding

Planet of the Grapes

Forgotten Strawberries

All the rest look pretty much the same at 5-6 days since sprout. The next 10 days they will rage into beautiful young ladies as the roots are killing it right now. (second set of leaves looking pretty developed for day 5 since sprout). All of these germinated in the super sprouted and transplanted within 3 days and they didn’t even know it happened.

I did start prepping my containers a couple weeks before to get the soil ready. Planted 12 seed cover crop around the outer ring. This allows me to keep the top of the container moist and once the seedling is in there they will help suck up any water and hep keep my seedling from soaking as I keep my soil moist around the outer ring more and keep the microbes pounding away… Later the 12 seed is going to provide the most broad spectrum of micros once I mulch it in later and cover it with Kashi, worm castings and a final layer of top dress over all of it.


That would actually be a companion crop, cover crop is something completely different. I just learned this yesterday watching a podcast on no till and low till methods.

whatever it’s called, it works great :slight_smile: