What am I doing wrong?


Still laughing my ass off, but those lil Lego skit clones are great for seeding. They will take pollen, ripen seeds, and revegetate into a new plant all at once. That extra 2 grams is great, but what about an extra 100 seeds.? Then harvest the seeds down low and flower out the new vegetative tops. Seeds ripen in 8 weeks, and the flowering tops usually take 8 weeks to reveg. I make hundreds if not thousands of seeds this way. I just wish I had more land to pop them all. I still buy seeds and work back to my keepers. But if the cannabis seed markets were somehow stomped out of existence by regulation, it’s good to know I would be ok.

Cloning is harder than seeding by far. It is good to be competent at both.

Like this seedy young lady😊:

7 inches tall and about 60seeds. The top is reveging now about 8 weeks back to long light cycle.


@Noddykitty Ya, if I only had the room! And a wife who’s sister isn’t a parole officer! Wife won’t let me put anyone in a conflict of interest so I must stick with my 4 legal plants total in the tent and garden (ok, plus the half dozen or so I’m gonna hide in the hills this summer! They don’t count as mine!). If I get enough outside, maybe I will sacrifice one for seeds, or a branch each off a couple ladies, we’ll see it it grows this summer!

My other issue with creating my own seeds, no pollen!

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At @spudgunner if your in Canada i know seed bank up there my friend

Thanks @Daddy1971 , ya, there are a couple in Vancouver, one a few blocks from my office. Like I go there anymore lol! one more time to drop off my work equipment in August and then I retire! I hate buying things site unseen on the old www unless I know folks who vouch for the company. Paranoid old fart, I guess.

It’s something I have a couple of months to organize, so probably will hit them up, after I check out those spots I mapped out.

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@spudgunner polyploidism is fairly common in cannabis even without chemical interference. It just means it has more than two sets of chromosomes that a diploid plant (such as cannabis) should have.

Polyploidism can be advantageous or it can severely interfere with a plants vigor and reproduction depending on which genes are passed on in the chromosomes.

For instance you can grow a giant mutant plant if it has 3 or 4 sets of chromosomes that are homologous (that have sets of homozygous alleles for the genes that control size).

You could also grow a plant that has horrible pathogen resistance because those same homologous chromosomes can have homozygous recessive alleles that make it incredibly weak at fighting molds or diseases.

It’s a catch 22 and on top of that many plants with polyploidism are also sterile and can’t be bred. It’s incredibly rare that a polyploid can be fertile.

Tri-leaf mutation can be caused by polyploidism but it isn’t the only cause. I also just remembered the scientific name for it. It’s called phyllotaxy or whorled phyllotaxy.

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Thanks @MDBuds , much more detail than what I remember from 30 years ago! I never tried it, as the “lady” (ok, ruff biker chick with ties to HA) who was interested in doing it also warned that you couldn’t smoke the first generation weed after you used colchicine. Big deterrent for me, grow a crop you can’t smoke! Then we moved and I lost my grow space for 20 or so years.

Biology was never my strength…ha, not even an interest outside birds and bees! Physics and math, nothing cellular or alive. I am amazed (and humbled) by your (and others’ here) knowledge on breeding and nutrient uptake and requirements, etc. I remember when blackmarket growers had more knowledge about the cannabis plant than government scientists did, mainly because of their own stupid laws made it difficult for those same scientists to study the plant! I guess now that it’s not as taboo to formally and openly and legally study the plant, the knowledge about it is increasing.

Catch 22 for that too tho! Big pharma can throw shit-ton of money into research and try to take over the market share, glad there are folks like you that share with the craft micro-growers. Hopefully our industry will evolve like the craft beer industry has. We will have our big commercial BUDwiser brands, and hopefuly develop regional craft flavours/offerings too!

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I know everyone does the paper towel method but i abandoned that practice after I had trouble with the free seeds i got and any bogo seeds so now i avoid those sales. I just plant directly into coco choir and then transplant after a couple of weeks. The paper towel method i feel is just to make sure the seed is viable and homegrown will replace your seeds if you do it their way.


@metaridley I had put 2 in peat pellets and they both sprouted within 2.5 days. so i’ll be doing all my germinating in peat pellets or rockwool from now on. They have the request for replacement. Yeah i agree on the sale items i’m staying away from that as well.


@MDBuds can i ask you a question? you said they looked waterlogged, how is that possible if you can germinate seeds by dropping them in a glass of water. (Which is how the cream auto I have growing and doing fine was germinated.) Or how is it different than putting the seeds into a peat pellet, coco or rockwool soaked with water. I guess what I’m saying is the waterlogged comment doesn’t make any sense to me.

@fredgs21 even seeds can drown if they’re left at over 90% humidity for too long with no oxygen. Peat, rockwool, and coco works because it’s extremely aerated and let’s oxygen in. It’s still possible to drown seeds using them, but less likely as long as you maintain the moisture equivalent to that of a wrung out sponge and don’t over water it daily.

The soaking method is a risk because they can drown that way too if you don’t pull them out soon enough. Seeds need oxygen too and anything over about 24 hours without oxygen starts pushing that line or if they sink sooner and you don’t pull them out they will drown.

It’s a common misconception that people have that seeds and plants don’t need oxygen.


I would dish the plates no pun intended and get yourself some plastic bags freeser size put the towels damp but not dripping but wetr in thew plastic bags seperate iof you use 3 seeds a bad give an inch or two in between the seeds blow the bag up with your air and seal the bag with the air captured it will be still with no air movement or dust check the seeds every 12 hours I would use ro water ph at 6,5 if you soak your seeds in a cup of water with 3% hyd. peroxide in the water until they sink push them with tweezers and then paper towels and do as I wrote in a dark cabinet with O light. 1/2 tp 3/4 root root down dont touch the root "period "use tweezers for the seed to place it root down under 1/4 inch dirt don’t push hard on the dirt you put over the seed but make sure seed is not exposed 1/4 deep you should have some better luck if you are using a seed soil you will be good for w eek or so just keep it moist

Can totally relate. My last order of 32 seeds only had 11 grow. Order before that had only about half. Definitely will not be getting seeds from HGC any more.


@DonG yeah i’m not going to buy anymore either i’m going to a different seed bank from now on you would think they would fix their quality issues with all the complaints but i guess they dont care to give a quality product.


i think you are doing that correctly same way i do it but it doesnt take 6 days for a tap root to sprout if the seeds are strong. probably the seed is not strong and was made in a hurry. alot of seed producers out there do not vet their work. i always make sure the seeds i provide bring joy and good results to those i send them to. its karma


Did you pre soak seed? I had multiple issues lately but find that a pre soak with dash of 3 % hydrogen peroxide in total darkness for 12 to 24 hr no more then wet paper towel not soaked sprinkle mychorrizide on seed and covering seed with a Tupperware top place on heat mat works perfectly just popped 5 more seed. After thinking seed were bad. Same seeds I have had now for over 8 months. 3 purple gelato photos and 2 critical x autos.

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  1. Spring water 2. Paper towel 3. Zip lock baggie 4. Warmth & Darkness

Can also just plant them directly in media.

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I kicked a Blueberry bean off to the side and started another not long ago. The 2nd bean came up in 2 days. 2 weeks later and the bean I thought was dead was up and growing like a champ. I give them all at least a week now.


Throw away your paper towels and grow in dirt, any dirt push the down 1/2 inch or so and cover, water enough to soak in good. Now wait a couple days and if they’re good seeds they will pop and you can transplant later. Been growing for 26 years this way and it works. Also have some chicken wire to cover and protect animals, (rabbits, mice) from clipping them and to keep deer from stepping on them, open the cage when the plants hit the ceiling. Do these steps and your golden.


I don’t have time to read everything right now, but save yourself some trouble and just germinate your seeds in water. If the seed is good it WILL germinate, 3 to 4 days you have a good 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch taproot. I have been doing this for a year and a half. The only failures I had were old seeds. I now store my seeds in the fridge.