Still laughing my ass off, but those lil Lego skit clones are great for seeding. They will take pollen, ripen seeds, and revegetate into a new plant all at once. That extra 2 grams is great, but what about an extra 100 seeds.? Then harvest the seeds down low and flower out the new vegetative tops. Seeds ripen in 8 weeks, and the flowering tops usually take 8 weeks to reveg. I make hundreds if not thousands of seeds this way. I just wish I had more land to pop them all. I still buy seeds and work back to my keepers. But if the cannabis seed markets were somehow stomped out of existence by regulation, it’s good to know I would be ok.
Cloning is harder than seeding by far. It is good to be competent at both.
Like this seedy young lady😊:
7 inches tall and about 60seeds. The top is reveging now about 8 weeks back to long light cycle.