What am I doing wrong?

This is a seed that has been sitting in paper towels for 6 days. room temp 72* in-between 2 plates. The towels stay damp not wet and never dried out once. What is wrong with this seed? Most of the seeds I’ve gotten don’t seem to be germinating. I had 4 or 5 come out with a mushy tap root that never grew into anything. The few i have managed to germinate only 2 plants have actually made it. Am I doing something wrong with germination? Spent a lot of money to just keep getting lousy results.


@fredgs21 are you using distilled, ro, or dechlorinated water? If not hard chlorinated tap water is notorious for killing seeds. Unbleached paper towels are usually better to use too as some of the cheaper bleached brands can kill seeds too because of the high pH when wet.

Also, if they are older seeds they might need a bit of a boost from some liquid kelp and molasses.


@MDBuds i used purified water like the germination guide says to use. i did add a bit of the Germ Genie and i use bounty paper towel to soak in.

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@fredgs21 how much germ genie did you use? Did you wash your hands, wear gloves, or sterliize the seeds? Did you put them in a dark place with stable temp between 70-77f with no fluctuations?

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@fredgs21 there is definitely something off with HGC seeds as my last 2 orders have been failures just as you mentioned above…the seeds crack open and root starts to extend and then that’s it…the root never really come out even If I move them to the grow medium. no disrespect to you @MDBuds but if we have to go thru all the steps you mention just to get seeds to germinate then something is really off here. I have been germinating seeds for over 40 years so I am not new to this process and what it takes to get a seed to pop.


@MDBuds i always use purified water. i toke a 1L bottle full of water and add 2 drops of germ genie then soak the paper towels. the cabinet i keep them in is at 72* constant. i use tweezers so not to touch any of the seeds. i have never had this kind of problem before and believe it’s bad genetics or old seeds they had sitting around. i’ll tell you one thing though i wont buy anymore from HGC .


@retiredoldguy I totally agree with you on this one. i have done everything Kyle’s guides tell you to and got nothing. out of 15 seeds i got 2 plants to start. to me that is some lousy germ rates. its been awhile since i last grew but i would have to say it’s like riding a bike once you learn you never forget. anyway i wont be buying anymore seeds at HGC cause i cant afford to keep paying for seeds that dont germinate


@retiredoldguy they’re just the basic steps for seed germination. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was just walking through it to see if it was a pathogen issue, old seeds, or possibly fresh seeds that haven’t dried yet so they can germinate. The way the picture looks it appears to either be a pathogen or a fresh seed that wasn’t dried all the way. Possibly even a drowned seed because it looks a bit water logged too. That’s what my germed seeds looked like when I had mold or when I did a germination test on freshly harvested seeds.


@fredgs21 @retiredoldguy I’ve never had this issue with homegrown seeds myself. I’ve always had between 92% and 100% germination rate with each batch I’ve purchased.


I agree if there not old seeds you shouldn’t have to go through all of that. that’s not good germination rate.ive had good results but I’ve noticed that alot of our grower’s on here are having issues can i ask are they photos or auto seeds @fredgs21

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@MDBuds there’s alot of our grower’s on here are having alot of issues with germination of hcc seeds ive not had any issues myself though


mine were both auto and photo seeds purchased in 2021…2 orders of seeds in 2020 all popped with no issues…so either I am going crazy or they did something in 2021


@Daddy1971 they are both types and only managed to get 1 auto and 1 photo to grow.

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There’s something going on with them I’ve not ordered in awhile but it does make me think about my next order @retiredoldguy

@Daddy1971 @ well one thing for sure i’ll be getting seeds else where from now on. i cant spend $300.00 bucks and only get 2 plants :disappointed_relieved:

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@Daddy1971 I want to say I read in this forum somewhere that HGC purchased a couple seed banks last year or the year before and it is a possibility we are getting the seeds from those banks and not the seeds that originated at HGC grow houses.


@retiredoldguy your exactly right they bought out 2 defunked seed banks. i didnt find out until after i had spent all that money.


That’s a possibility @retiredoldguy when i order from hgc i always get old strains and i don’t grow autos.so if that’s the case there’s something up with them

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@retiredoldguy they did purchase a few seed banks and they also have some private vendors. Could very well be from bins and lots they don’t directly control.


@fredgs21 did you already contact customer support? You may be entitled to replacement of lost seeds. It would also be good to get them the bin and lot numbers of your seeds so they can check them.

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