Trichomes Ready?

HELL YEAH HELL YEAH! that’s sweet looking.


@spudgunner They are bad but small popcorn stuff and off Autos.


@Cannaman22 you will get better harvest as you start growing more watch your plants they will let you know what they need and if you need to askk for anything we are here for you anytime My friend happy growing


O and remember them leaves help the plants take in oxygen so in my view they help them plants alot i don’t start taking bottom leaves right before flipping lights for photos you get good air flow around the bottom and it helps fatten them buds up


I cheat - I have an oxygenater - can create 89+% O2 and I aerate my water, feeding solution and even run hoses to straws and insert into the substrate to force O2 into soil


@Mrb53004 Using technology is not a CHEAT!
If it were, so would be using lights, nutes, hydroponics, anything other that scattering a few seeds like Johnny MarijuanaSeed did in those kids’ stories!
Giving kids Flintstone Chewable Vitamins isn’t considered cheating, anything to help the ladies shouldn’t be either!
And my plants deserve more care and nurturing than my kids do! And they appreciate it more too!


@Daddy1971 I appreciate you and all the others here. I look forward to a New Year of Fresh Flower.


It may be a load of horse manure, but I recently saw a vid on stressing the plant to speed up and improve its finish. I used to grow a fair amount outdoors but just recently started giving indoors a go…and back when I was active I had an old timer, who was legendary in certain circles, tell me he did the same thing if he had the need to harvest a little soon. By little I believe he was talking about a week or two at the most.
Anyway, both this recent vid and the fella I knew would cut the bottom of the main stalk. About a 2” incision along the bottom, directly in the middle. Then they would take a toothpick or chopstick and shove it through to form a barrier and keep the plant from healing itself. I’m sure that I have no idea if it has any merit. It does kinda make sense.
Good luck and you’ll be tasting that harvest soon enough.

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