@Daddy1971 she’s got it i love that song by Sativa “Ladies and Gentlemen” what a Show Homegrown Style lights, cameras, action and all
@Daddy1971 sorry bro i’ve been shoveling the last of the snow. my hands are froze. back later after a hot shower. Show us what your smoking i will to in a few.
@Daddy1971 my camera sucks but i’m puffing Trichomes for jet fuel just to warm up
and i’m not going back out in the cold to take no pictures of soon to be ashesNorthern light and grape ape
@Daddy1971 check this army girl out guarding her weed
i’m sure glad she don’t live near me. how would you like to tell her !!You’re Trespassing!! while you’re blasted high?She has way 2 much gear on for that, gotta have agility/maneuverability.
@CurrDogg420 @Kurgan hey, check deebos kyle stuff out. Looking Good thought i’d share Christmas day chop!
@Khatru Great Job as Always. Merry Christmas puffing for you. looks better than my columbo did but same color. Dream Weed Tasty
@Khatru that’s a Trophy Looking High THC Land Race Lumbo Plant. Breeders Fix tells me, “wishing i had 10 seeds off it”
@Kurgan i still can’t believe that good looking soldier girl was guarding the soldiers cutting down weed. Beauty’s only skin deep i guess, then you go against everthing you were ever taught then you watch youTube and find out all the history taught was a little white lie but uh it’s still Christmas ya know hahahahaha LMAO! i hope somebody in government is embarrassed. i am for just being part of the run and hide, be cool there’s a cop stuff, looking them straight in the face and going “Do i look like a doper is that what you wanna hear copper?” now i can give a cop a joint if i want to, actually in Arizona i can him an Ounce; all he can do is refuse the friendly offer LMAO! i finally win after they made me lie like a dog over dumb laws. i bet that soldier girl hates that picture of herself good excuse, that was in her brave blonde days. i bet she smokes weed now! and wears a peace sign head band. after serving our country at all risk, god bless those purposely sent out of gods control, and Merry Christmas to all around the globe
@DollarBill brother the last 5 years has been one wild ride. I won’t go into it here. But you and I both know that little white lie is a huge wtf moment when a persons eyes are truely opened. I’ve been relearning and connecting dots for a few years now. Kazarians!!! Secret society 5 eyes on and on and on. Dirty things they have done. But now I know. And that Jeannie wont go back into the bottle. May you have wonderful yule and Odin watch over yours.