If I store my seeds properly, what is their shelf life?
I’ve heard of people stumbling across old seeds they had for decades and getting them to grow.
I have grown plants from seeds that were 2-3 years old,stored in the vegetable ‘crisper’ drawer of my refrigerator…how/where you store them is more important than age,in my personal opinion.Good luck!
Stored properly they will last for a few years. As @Booger said. The refrigerator is the best. Have a small one for all my seeds.
That would be cool! Get a taste of some old school stuff
I germinated a 6 year old seed this last week. Taproots coming out
just harvested from this seed pack GG #4 Fem… Heavy Buds, Smells like Heaven… haven’t lost a single plants or had a single issueGOG is gelato OG…
03-05-04 is NOT a date stamp…:>)
if stored properly ive known of people popping seeds 10+ years old. If stored not in cool dark etc, a few years from what ive seen but as others have stated there are different factors to figure in.
it’s a culture propagation date of when those seeds began to be produced on Limbs
Looks like a storage location to me…:>)
call HGCC and ask them for me
As soon as my parents buy me my first phone I will get right on that…:>)
LoL boogs get after it
The US Department of Agriculture has seeds that they kept in storage since before it became illegal. I wonder if they still germinate and how do they store theirs would be the perfect answer.
You can have very very old seeds and as long as they are hydrated and sprouted in the right way they will sprout. You can actually buy kits that are specifically for getting older seeds to sprout
If they’re stored properly, I believe 5-10 yrs, anything after that and it’s a crap shoot
That’s really cool, I learned something new today thank you Bradley