Looking good, bout time to do some defol yeah?
Yes, going to start at the bottom and work my way up: its about that time:
Looks like i imagined pre-flower trim maybe change my timer after they recover:
a few nodes i may stick in soil to see what happens.Are you going hydroponic??
They look healthy. I like the lollipop canopy, it’s what I do. If you can get them running horizontal the smaller buds will turn up toward thr light
Are u cutting the tips of your leaves?
No i do amended soil, i do lollipop and i some times use a net! I wasn’t going to do either this time: i have room for growth and the genetics are mostly Indica with 180cm avg. on the Clippings yes i cut the leafs it helps them absorb water and easier to recognize New growth. Thanks for looking in:
Nice, i like your set up! The square pots are nice touch also: the plants seem to Love their environment which is most important
The pots make it easy to just swap a clean one in if needed. As you can see I have 4 fans keeping air circulating, I put alot of stock in this. This WW auto is easy to grow in smaller spaces. I try to keep light a little close, in my mind this helps to keep height down.?? One thing I’m missing is nite time air. Anyone can start a seed read instructions and make it grow. A grower does this plus his own touch.
like the use of computer fans, i have never seen this before. While keeping the light so close can stop them from stretching it can also stunt the growth. Did you build those boxes or take something existing and make it a grow box? Even got the ruler in the background. Best budget grow I think I have seen yet. GJ and keep us updated. You have sparked my curiousity.
First thing Hans, the light thing is just a rusty’s idea, no factual proof. I bought a box for a stupid price which gave me a little knowledge about things. Then I built the other for a lil over $300. The fans are $20 and have a speed control. White Widow auto grows easy an fast… Also is a smaller plant ,perfect for indoor grows.
I have no clue when it comes to cloning. I have enough troubles trying to remember about growing. I have posted notes stuck everywhere. Your plants look healthy and keep me posted on your clones.
At 10 euros per Fem seed Cloning is a way to lower the cost per seed by producing more plants from each seed. Say what you want about FEM but thats why i grow them! Period