Seedlings started

I have auto plants, they grew fast, straight up, stem looks skimpy??
Please help

Wow, hello
Mine look like this , but taller-straight up. 4 leaves on top??? Maybe too much light???

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Sorry, how long should they stay in small pot??? I have 1 in small pot really tall, the other 2 medium pots, tall???

You said auto’s: i haven’t grew any auto’s. But i hear that you should get them to their forever pot pretty quick as they don’t like transplants. Do you have pics

Trim Lg Fan Leafs light LST

Purple Kush DOA didn’t make it 🥸

can you post photos? perhaps open another thread?

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I am growing my first photo,been growing autos for over a year now 60 plants under my belt…your plants are either underfed…or have light stress in my opinion…what are your feeding schedules, ph, temp, rh, setup etc?

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I have a 4x6x6.5’ tent. Temps between 70-80 light on and off around 50-60rh about 30” from lights.

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Rootz~ Base, Grow & Bloom trio, 18-6 light schedule. Soil grow with dry amendments prior to planting

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Doesn’t seem like light stress from what you have stated, thinking not enough nitro possibly. I use all fox farm products and my babies start looking this way when there aren’t enough nutes. How much are you feeding? Are you following the Fox farm schedule? 18-6 should be fine, temps sound fine, rh sounds great and light distance depending on the wattage. What soil and amendments? Sorry for so many questions but there are so many things it could be.

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Thanks for everything, Soil is Happy Frog used last grow and amended with dry Nutrients. I give varying amounts of the trio depending what i think they are telling me: 2-4g of each base, grow & bloom: add cal/mag every other feeding: i was thinking they looked ok! This is my first time growing these genetics! I could have cut the large fan leafs sooner! Thanks for looking in and taking the time to assist i lowered the plants further from the light.

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I will increase the base for more Nitrogen the cal/mag by Sensi 4% N. Also. I use to use fox farm nutes. At that time i used their chart. Now i give the trio start to finish with the cal/mag added

Thats per 3 Ltrs of water :ballot_box_with_check: Wake n bake i forgot to put how much water was used in the calculation

5+ weeks in Veg i like where they are at: :yin_yang:


They look a little darker…look nice…GJ!!

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Just a little tip burn so back off a little: add a just water day to the weeks schedule. :yin_yang::100: thanks for looking in:

took a clipping from the Caremelicious & Alaskan Thunder day 5 domed for Humidity :ballot_box_with_check:


up date to my grow.