Seedlings started

Layer of food, layer of used Soil, cover with paper and card board: :yin_yang:

That’s that top dress crap

Literally :joy:lololololo

Cool if I grew out side maybe but I stay indoor

Thats my Vermicompost making operation: started with 2300 red wigglers! They along with beneficial insect and fungi create home made organic Castings: used not only as top dress but for us low till living soil types its a great way to add nutrients thats plant ready organically. :yin_yang:

I use indoors too: the castings don’t smell: neither does my worm bin: if it smells your not doing it right :yin_yang: The worm bin is kept in a store room no smell. :100:

I have no issues wit smell anything and don’t need anything like that :v:

I’m strictly npks I’m not shy

I take u all “organic”

I am just sharing my method, not comparing or even interested in a debate: you have no need great: your on my Journal this is what i’m doing. Do your thing :yin_yang:

So what’s eb ??? To u eb n flow cause lil confused about this eb? Maybe cause I don’t go on here much idk

And there no debate I do what I do u do that ok like my question asked was what’s eb

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Whatever have a good day

EB is short for Earth Box which is a Sip style container with a 2.5 gal reservoir at the bottom: so the plant can regulate how much water she drinks and when: like she is growing near a fresh stream of water :yin_yang:

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I cccc said the blind man pissing in the wind it’s all coming back now :grin::grin::grin:

Soli ahhh ya I’d just butt chuggggg

Feed from the bottom and let them leach out

Just filtered water, all feedings come from the Soil: living soil take care of the Soil the soil takes care of the plant! No over or under watering. :yin_yang:

GG 4 outdoor high temp grow, her clones indoor :yin_yang:

5th week in Flower