Layer of food, layer of used Soil, cover with paper and card board:
That’s that top dress crap
Literally lololololo
Cool if I grew out side maybe but I stay indoor
Thats my Vermicompost making operation: started with 2300 red wigglers! They along with beneficial insect and fungi create home made organic Castings: used not only as top dress but for us low till living soil types its a great way to add nutrients thats plant ready organically.
I use indoors too: the castings don’t smell: neither does my worm bin: if it smells your not doing it right The worm bin is kept in a store room no smell.
I have no issues wit smell anything and don’t need anything like that
I’m strictly npks I’m not shy
I take u all “organic”
I am just sharing my method, not comparing or even interested in a debate: you have no need great: your on my Journal this is what i’m doing. Do your thing
So what’s eb ??? To u eb n flow cause lil confused about this eb? Maybe cause I don’t go on here much idk
And there no debate I do what I do u do that ok like my question asked was what’s eb
Whatever have a good day
EB is short for Earth Box which is a Sip style container with a 2.5 gal reservoir at the bottom: so the plant can regulate how much water she drinks and when: like she is growing near a fresh stream of water
I cccc said the blind man pissing in the wind it’s all coming back now
Soli ahhh ya I’d just butt chuggggg
Feed from the bottom and let them leach out
Just filtered water, all feedings come from the Soil: living soil take care of the Soil the soil takes care of the plant! No over or under watering.