Seedlings started

I don’t see any bud there. they look like they have just started to flower.

They definitely need more light. The reason they are stretched out like that is due to low like. A lot of these LED types need to be about 8 inches above the canopy.

i want to top one plant as it right under the light. It is 16 weeks from seed and i just brought it into my area where i switch to 12 hour light cycle. Is it too late to top it? not sure how to top plant as i have never done it yet.

How much Vertical room do you have? Maybe try FIM its a good first step. :yin_yang:

i don’t know what FIM is

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@Ldub :eyes:

thank you for the information. Now that i have grown a few plants i think i am ready to top my next crop, which are five alive from seed and 6 weeks old. Need to transplant from cup to small pot and make sure they recover from transplanting prior to topping. All my plants grown indoors have done well but have had the christmas tree look with few buds on bottom half of plant. I think topping might solve that issue.

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Thank you for your help. I am going to buy one more light and hopefully that will do it.

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Topping will definitely make the Plant more fuller: Some say when you get 7 nodes top back to the 4th Node! Should be enough to Clone the Top! Bonus :yin_yang:

began reducing the light schedule inside :yin_yang: Out door Mother plant thriving in the triple digit heat so far! No sign of heat stress, drinking 16L in 24hrs of filtered water up from 8L a day :yin_yang::palm_tree::sun_behind_large_cloud::sunny:

I added another light and put up some reflective backing but need to put it on all walls. I think i am about to harvest 2. One is so tall it is up to the light. I already topped it once. Think it will be ok this close to light?


Wow! Thats a predicament! The Stems are really thick now: i don’t want to ill advise: i never been in this situation: maybe someone more experienced can help: :yin_yang:

Low Stress Training.
Bend those stems over gently to get light penetrating.

yes i have been doing that and it seems to work. I bend them a little each day. The buds are starting to come in and there are a lot of them at the top of the plant, so i will continue to bend a little each day.

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pre flower stretch, :nerd_face:

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the out door Mother Plant she has started stacking :yin_yang:

og kush

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Already Dunn that bubbacheesecake and next OG kush how u coming

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some lil ladies of kush and bubba and payotegorilla next runn in the tent now this will be wicked

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Wow! Nice looks like your off to a great start :yin_yang:

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@Hightimes i have the urban worm bin for Castings