Random questions no specific topic!

I’m horrible with measurements, so…enough that I can cut 1 in thick rounds that I can make runes from, plus extra; I’d also like to make some staves, and now my list is growing. I probably should limit myself to a branch. :grimacing: :rofl: :joy:

Ok I know where an entire tree that was lightning struck is. I live in Missouri how far would it need shipped

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I’ll send a message. I appreciate it!

I see other people have offered but if you still need some i have a 2 year old lightning killed oak i can check on if you still need some.

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Yes, I moved here to Va. Beach from MI due to my interest in his readings. I worked at the A.R.E. From 1980-1984

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Wow. That would be awesome. Let me know how much so I can budget properly. :v:

Small world, huh? That’s pretty crazy.

No buget necessary the rounds are free. I will see how many limbs are solid. Hopefully i can cut a 5 gallon bucket full. So postage should be under 20 bucks. What diameter range are you looking for?

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Ugh. I suck at this part. Like a little bigger than a quarter, but less than a 50 cent piece. Hopefully, you are old enough to know what one is. Otherwise, I hope that helps and I apologize for being spatially challenged.

For context: I’ll be burning symbols into them

No i understand perfectly. That is the size I would use if making runes just wanted to make sure we are on the same page.

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this was my last attempt at making something with my sawmill. Turned out to be way to much labor involved to make any money but i kept one for myself.


That’s a beautiful piece of wood. Is that from the same tree? I hope you have it hanging with your plants? That would be interesting!

I was lucky enough to make some from oak struck by lightning from the New Forest (U.K.; Robin Hood’s forest). Thunderstorms rarely occur there. A friend of mine recently told me she had them, but I have yet to see them, even though I’ve offered to pay shipping.

PS: I’m talking too much on this thread apparently. Y’all better step it up! :grin:

No the clock is from an elm. I cut it up to make bow staves then cut the rest of the larger sections into disks like that one for crafts.

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It’s a beautiful piece of wood. Looks like the shape of a peacock to me, but that could be because I want a peacock. Haha!

@Jared have you tried your hand at pyrography? I think some pyrography would look amazing on those home made wooden clocks.

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No I will have to look that up. Sounds like fire art though so it might be interesting.


Now, I’m over here like a goob trying to count the rings to determine age. That’s not happening.

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@Jared yeah. Pyrography is just a fancy word for wood burning. You use a tool similar to a soldering iron but it has different sized and style tips and you just score and burn the wood.

Ok so I just read the thread, and I got to add a few things as a moderator.

  1. This site is for everyone. I personally will NOT tolerate ANY form of bullying or gatekeeping. No smack talk, unless it’s in good taste and done in a non insulting manner.

  2. The only stupid question is the one you DIDNT ASK. As much as we all hate repeating ourselves, and think some things are common sense, this is still the “rule”

  3. In my experience, 99% of the time, every single person has something they can contribute, even if they are not an “expert” in that field.

  4. I try to leave stuff alone, if you want your thread cleaned up, tell me, I will gladly remove/move anything for any reason if it’s your thread. Some people like the train of thought scattered, some want theirs clean like a book. Just tell me or any other moderator.

  5. I will be an “asshole” about 1 thing, linking to other seed sites.

  6. I like to think of this as a community, not a forum. I wake up and drink my coffee while visiting darkharts danktuary, mosey over by kmacs room while smoking a bowl to see what shes got going on, then once I’m awake and stoned I’ll stop by mdbuds lab to be properly humbled and reminded I have so much to learn.

  7. I love you guys.


I’m humbled on a regular when I go take a look at @MDBuds lab :rofl:, like now I have a male pollen problem because I’m a derp and I hope I didn’t just impregnate everydamnbody. Again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m not sure you can be an asshole, @Rye. Nice try though. Also, I love you, too. Thank you for trying your best. :v:t2: :heartpulse: