it is not the strength / it is the duration. If you do 12 hrs dark, you imitate the coming of winter…hormones will trigger flowering. DO not discount OVERCAST…I have been growing in the shade for over 3/3.5 weeks due to the 115+ temps we are having here in the SW Desert…Daylight is 14 plus hrs…
I think he said they were auto. That shouldn’t really matter for those right?
My only math nerd point was about the “more light than the sun” part. Even at the 14hr duration, the quantity of light the plant will get outside is higher than anything you could get indoor.
Especially if the OP doesn’t have an indoor garden set up yet. If I was in his shoes, outdoor auto I think would be the best way to go at the moment. There will certainly be other problems to deal with outdoor, but in terms of light that big full spectrum in the sky is tough to beat.
lets define more light…not quantity but duration, Autos will flower with as little as 5 hrs of light. Longer light equates to more growth. Stronger light equates additionally to growth but potency also. So, does it matter, yes…for size and quality of harvest.
Fruit or vegetable bearing crops need between 20 and 40 moles of light per day. That’s true for cannabis as well. The bare minimum total light may be 20 moles per day as described above, but most growers aim for 40 moles, or 40,000,000 umol per day to maximize their yield.
When you measure what the sun puts out, even on a cloudy / hazy day, it is impressive
I guess since I started this thread, I might give an update. Ordered Haze auto flowers and the seeds came in on Jul 17. I started the germination process on two of them on Jul 19 using the plate-two layers of wet paper towel-plate method. Both seeds germinated in less than 48 hours with half-inch tap roots on Jul 21. Bought some Ocean potting soil and cloth containers that evening and planted them. The following pictures are from this afternoon (Jul 27). I would like to know if this is fairly typical for auto’s — based on the 10-12 week timeline I’ve seen in this forum, I’m targeting the harvest for around Oct 15 — what say you all?
I haven’t had a plant follow the suggested schedule yet. It has ranged, so far, from 2-7 weeks later. Patience is tough with me, especially after they start to flower.
Don’t worry Pop you’ll get it ,everyone on this site is very helpful
Owen your seeding look great. Much better than my Autos did when they first popped.
poppop - you got a boy!..he will open and pollinate quickly so any females around will SEED
seeding is ok but not for toking…really diminished the high…
if you really really like the strain, let them go long to get good seeds. For seeding, you really want to push the limits of their growth to mature the seeds
Personally, unless you are so keen and have the Italian disease…funzalo…do like the Italians do and OFF HIM
If you need seeds, there are plenty of sharing caring people here who will gladly donate, as will I
Thank you Poppop - I think it’s more of a “beginners luck” situation than it is from any deliberate planning.
Oh man. I remeber my very first legal grow. It was a haze as well, lemon haze. Enjoy this, take lots of pictures and make notes, seriously, you’ll be able to see and track what works for you and what your plants like.
Checked the twins this afternoon. They are almost 3 wks old. There’s something going on with a couple of the leaves — any suggestions?
I water using the wet-to-dry strategy and started using blackstrap molasses a week ago with every other watering — maybe too much?
It’s an Amnesia Haze auto — about 6” tall by 5” wide. Ocean Forest soil for the medium.
I don’t think it’s nutes or watering practice- except maybe if it’s been hot and sunny and you splashed some on the leaves.
There’s a little dark spot that concerns me on the leaf tip around your plants 8 o’clock in that pic. Can you get a close up of that leaf?
I completely concur with currdog. It looks like some wet leaves spot caused a bit of burning in the sun. If the suns is out try and low aim when watering. The plant will just outgrow it. Not much to be done. When the new growth exceeds the old sun spotted leaves I just pinch those off. Later in flower those crispy spots are the first places botrytis (bud rot) likes to hop on and fuck up your plants. At least if there’s much moisture (RH) from the fall rains.
I did that myself about a week ago watering too late in the morning. It happens.
Thanks CD420 and DB — it’s been in the high 80s to mid 90s lately here in the VA Tidewater area, along with dew points consistently in the 70s this summer — extremely humid.
I did get the leaves wet during the past couple of waterings and they stayed wet when the sun came up — didn’t think much of it at the time until the spots started showing. I’ll need to be more accurate with the water bottle.
Here’s a couple close ups
of the spot you mentioned.Yeah clip that black shit off. With high humidity like that you wanna be real careful. If they get a lot of dew in the morning think about shaking it off a bit.
Here they are on Sep 1 — now in a 2x3 grow tent with LED board light on 24/0. Lots of potential bud sites popping. Doing some LST per Kushman - also did some Chiro last week. Alternating weeks with kelp and calmag. Shooting for Oct 1 harvest - getting real excited about my first grow!