This is my first grow and being a little excited about growing I ended up with 3 in a tent, 1 in a small greenhouse, 2 out in the yard and 1 in a dwc bucket. I have had my ups and downs but all in all everything is doing alright and a couple even better. My Gorilla Glue is a monster outside in my small 4x6 green house but I have noticed a little “Bud Rot” on a few of the buds but not many. I have removed the ones I have noticed but my question is…
Can I dry and smoke those? Can I throw them in a pan with some butter? I have them drying out right now and figured I would ask.
Being its my first grow I’m finding it hard to just throw these buds out just like it was hard to lollipop my plants for the first time if that makes sense?
Thanks for all you guys do. I have built myself a seed bank of my own exclusively from
Welcome to HGForum @TwistedGoat and let me direct you to @MDBuds he has wise words about lots of stuff and Great to meet you. shoot us a few pics by using the Arrow Up on the bottom right and then your files for previous pics you’ve taken or a fresh camera shot. (you may not have time to wait for the Potcast)
@TwistedGoat sorry to break it to you brother but any bud that has gray mold or bud rot is not fit for consumption. It’s best to destroy it and hope it doesn’t spread to the rest of your plant or plants. Consuming bud with mold spores can make people pretty sick.
Mike, I did what you said, using Everclear. Gave it a shake every day in the glass jar and lid. I am not making a lot. So…now what do I do. Do I drain the liquid and use that? Do I keep the soaking weed and use it for edibles? Any ideas, suggestion…thank you very much!!!
Dana, any, all. I use it many ways. In an eyedropper under the tongue - pretty strong and can burn due to high alcohol content. About half an eyedropper to start to test potency. Dip (infuse) joints. Put some in pie tin, allow alcohol to evaporate, add butter or coconut oil, make edible. I drain the liquid ( I strain it through coffee filter). You did cook first right (cook 230 degrees 30 minutes or until toasty lightly browned)?
You discard the weed, all the good stuff has dissolved in the alcohol.
You have been so kind and helpful to me. I really appreciate all your inputs, ideas and such. I adore you. hahahahaha
Shush, my wife might hear you…It is so nice to be adored. Lately we have been infusing and using the tincture. When I want / need a quickie and do not want to puff, under the tongue. My honey is a master mixer. She lets some of the alcohol evaporate so it gets a little thicker. Then she brushes/dabs it on her rolls. I have alot of blueberry shake I made into tincture, maybe 1/2 oz of shake into a pint of alcohol. She takes the eyedropper and squirts some out on a piece of foil or glass. She lets is sit an hr or 2 until it is tacky to the touch. After she rolls, she laces the joint. She has tubes so they have filters. This way you fingers do not get stuck to the joint. She dips popcorn buds sometimes for the pipe. You can infuse them over and over until you pretty much have like moon rocks.
Dana, I just noticed Kyle put up a Halloween gummy recipe. You are more than half way there in case you like gummies. Much sugar so it hides some of that taste.
I laughed out loud with your first sentence!!! hahahaha Humor is always great! I just wanted you to know how kind it was of you to stop and help me out today. Lots of craziness “out there” but you’re not! Thank you. Your friend, Dana!!!
Hey Nate, Kyle and Parker! Thank you guys for answering that last question I had posted and it was during the show so that was pretty cool! My question was about Slow Growth and to keep things simple, I’m going to post 2 pics.The first is September 6 and the second is September 20.
Does it look like I was worried for no reason or could I make any changes. Plants keep healthy green and I only get droop when I give a little too much water. How much water would be ideal for a 1.5 gallon pot? And is it better to feed less more often or vice versus?My name is Angie and I have 2 White Widow Autoflowers born October 29, 2021. Today is January 5, 2022 and NO FLOWER NO BUD. They are BEAUTIFUL. I have them indoors using DWC Hydroponics.
What is keeping them from flowering???
You should try switching them to 12. Sometimes autoflowers won’t auto.
No it’s not!!! Started with 3 - 1st one was too long w/o 02 (came unhooked from pump). 2nd one - not sure - but I’ve noticed one common denominator - I WAS DROWNING HER.
And this one - beautiful but, still no flower born Oct. 29, 2021
i have done the 12/112, tried 48 hrs darkness then 12/12. Maybe because so much has gone on inside the tent she’s - that is a possibility? I could use some good news - if you have any
I’m still learning… obviously. I appreciate the advice and input from others so much!!
Once you switch to the 12/12 schedule, that becomes their new light schedule going forward. 12hr on, 12hr off every day for the rest of their life. Is that what you’re doing?
Yes I have been on 12/12 since the 48hr darkness ‘reset’ attempt. I added new air stones, changed the water level to where it is 2" from the net pot bottom & marked the bucket, air flow seems good, water temp as low as possible, and sealed off all areas that allowed light into reservoir. I was advised to “keep water temps low as possible but absolutely at all costs block out light”. Oh yeah I almost forgot - I added the air stones yesterday, 1/24/22. So now I pray to remain patient and hopeful
Larf (leaves) have trichomes. Ground dry leaves and add in cannabutter or oil and tinctures. Bon appetite
High. I have grown indoors for years now and white widow was my favorite. I use ebb and flow to grow. I germinate in paper towel and transfer to ph balanced Rock Wool. I use a cup to root and once they are rooted well I transplant them to a larger container. I then grow them until they’re about 9 to 10 inches tall and then I flower by changing the light and nutrients.
I am growing this year in a Green House. Do you have any suggestions? I am using soil.
Welcome to the family Bob I don’t have any advice on growing in a Greenhouse, but plenty here do. You mentioned White Widow as being your favorite and indoors. Well WW happens to be my favorite as well, I am rather new to growing. I use AirPots & DWC (Bubble Buckets w/air stones and air pumps). I have 8 in auto pots and 2 in DWC. Do you use SOG or SCROG method with White Widow? Any suggestions on how to keep roots from bunching together? I always worry I’m going to break them when I flush. You said you’ve been growing indoors for years now, so I hope you don’t mind me asking for advice