Helppp. About to give up

If u want fall colors give her 3 days total darkness cool her down ice the.pot.:ok_hand: then she will change colors

Are you still using FF products? If so I could tell you that I am having the same problem with calcium deficiencies and fluctuation in ph of the soil even though I ph my water at every feeding and watering. I have been using solely ff products for the last 17 months and feel as though I am guru.

I am. I did have a lot of issues with PH throughout the grow which led to deficiencies. But I am curious at what stage of flower I should stop feeding my girls? Figure I have about two more weeks left before harvest and I stopped feeding last week. They have only received rainwater for the most part and PH’d water since then.

That will work extra week to flush never hurts anything adds to flavor

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I’m having pH issues now happen to notice color change in the.leaves this morning

I personally give my last top dress about 2-3 weeks prior to harvest. If I’m doing bottles I’ll actually flush some so you don’t get that grassy or chemical taste from over fertilizing because it’s easy to over fertilize with solubles.

Since I use mostly insolubles now though I don’t really every flush. Just plain water the last few weeks but no actual flush.


Cool thank you!
I gave them a light feeding today. So I will stop nutrients all together. It’s going to rain this weekend so they should get a decent flush. Then I’ll just use plain water until harvest!

How do I do a bud wash by the way? I used Deadbug through the humid summer months and figured I should wash them
prior to drying!

I use two buckets and some distilled water. Bucket 1 is the wash bucket and I use what I have on hand. H202 (hydrogen peroxide), EM1, or EM5. Mix at proper ratios. Roughly 1 part to 10 parts water. Bucket 2 is the rinse bucket with plain distilled water. I’ll cut the plant and one branch at a time dunk in the wash bucket and lightly agitate by swirling it around like I’m mixing paint for about 10-15 seconds. Sometimes up to 30 seconds to a minute depending on how dirty the plant got. Then I dunk it in the rinse bucket and agitate it gently like with the wash bucket for roughly the same time. After rinse I set them on a screen. Once I finish the wash and rinse I hang the plant up and for the first 24 hours I have direct airflow on them. After that I move to indirect airflow for a normal dry and cure.

There are lots of wash recipes online too but I listed what I’ve used personally. You can do lemon juice and baking soda too if you have it as I hear that’s a decent wash too but I’ve never used that.


That doesn’t seem too bad. thank you sir.

One things It’s week 8 of flower abd the trichomes are still relatively clear. Any thing I can do? Admittedly my jewelers loop makes it very difficult to spot trichomes.
Also my fan leaves are beginning to yellow, Granted it’s week 8, should I feed a small amount of nitrogen??

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Just let them finish out. Allowing them to senesce some will also improve flavor because they won’t be over fertilized at harvest.

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ok cool. thank you! I guess I am just in the home stretch then!

Just let her Finnish up seeing those yellow leaves is normal for time of year she will start dieing. Back if trics are still.clear give her another week :ok_hand:

crazy how the colors change with the cooler weather.


Try to get her when trics are milky when THC is the highist when.turns amber its degrading every.min

I finally gave her the axe after almost 9 weeks of flower Trichomes are about 20% Amber. I had 2 days of straight rain and found some spot of bud rot. But I am happy with my first go around!


yielded about 6 ounces with 2 ounces of sugar leaf trim. Happy with the harvest over all. Bud is in grove bags curing now. Started a little late last this year ( last days of May). Hopefully maintaining better and more consistent PH and Nutrient intake next year will help increase my yields. As well as starting the girls indoors April 1st.
Definitely going to increase my production next season to 8-10 photos and a couple of autos.

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while I know you were looking for more expert advice, I want you to know that I feed until harvest. I don’t flush, nor do I do darkness or any of the other broscience out there. I have no issues. Super frosty buds, dense, beautiful buds. I use FF soil and nutrients.

been growing for 1.5 years and I am finally dialing in the FF products. I am determined to make it work because everybody slams FF. It is Humbolt County so it can’t be that bad. For example you can see the leaves changing on the girl in front right, but I continue to feed. When a plant enters it’s death cycle it will stop uptaking nutrients period. But this is just my opinion and it is based off of tons of youtubing and expert advice. All I do while I am hand trimming my buds for hours on end is watch mr. grow it, etc.

I agree. Looks like they need more water. Water your plants till about 10%of water runs out of pot. Make sure to water the top surface thoroughly too so you don’t have any dry spots. Hot sun will cook your plants and under watering will stunt your plants. Hope this helps.

Hey Kyle, what do you think of the Grove Bags?
I started using them this harvest (10/29-11/10).
Burping 24 plants (8 varieties) is very time consuming, so the promise of burpless curing is worth the extra couple bucks.
Since you are a couple weeks ahead of me, I am interested in your opinion.
Any other forum contributors trying Grove Bags out this year?