Helppp. About to give up

this is what I use to get the good zoomed in pictures

It takes pretty good pics


So I’m
in the north east and the days are getting shorter and cooler. Couple of days in the mid 50s next week and I am only in week 6 of Flower.
Northern Critical Strain.
Do you have any suggestions to
prolong the growing season? I probably have another month to go?

What’s your average daily temperature? As long as the root zone doesn’t drop under 65f and you don’t get any frost you’ll be OK.

Not great.

You’re in 5 gallon fabric pots yeah?

yes. I cannot bring it in if that is what you are thinking.

No. Was just confirming size to think about options for insulation.

Some burlap sacks stuffed with some hay will help insulate the pots and extend your growing season a few weeks so you can push to harvest.

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Won’t that block out the sun?

How far out do you think I am?


No because you’re wrapping the pot. Not the plant. You can cover the plant at night to protect from frost though if you remember to take it off in the morning.


You’ve still got a few weeks left. At least two to three.


Yes to hot those black material pots make it.even hotter on roots

4weeks possibley six weeks being she’s sativa Dom

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it’s indica dominant.
Northern lights x critical mass

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I just was looking at it look like a sativa idk man was odd tho kept telling myself kush anyway u still have some time to go she should be packing on the weight

Iv got cherry pie on the brain this morning


It’s pretty cool how quickly the colors change!


Msn that’s crazy sick msn :v::call_me_hand::facepunch:

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Should I stop feeding her nutes at this point as I near harvest time.