do not know. They used to have ads on the radio ALL THE TIME but since covid, everything has gone to the crapper
Feeling okay? Just checking.
We must be connected somehow…My Chakra and aura are off this evening. Just my head won’t leave my head alone
Everyone’s got that cooped up feeling across the board. I’m pretty sure my hubs is tired of looking at my face as much as I’m tired of looking at his, kids would be included if we had young ones. Thankfully, we don’t, but y’all do. I don’t envy anyone living through all of this with young ones.
Actually, they are my SAVIORS through al this, especially my little one. He has an OLD spirit and he is “THE COMFORTER”…and you, yes you, know exactly what I mean by that.
Time for me to indulge…in something, just not sure what yet
C’yall on the morrow
Have a peaceful rest of the night! Get some rest!
GoooooD MorninG!!! EveryonE HavE A AwesomE DaY! It is a bit cold up here in Illinois today:) Been one of those Murphy’s Law type of days at work this morning. Nothing Major just mechanical issues with the truck that I can’t keep driving with. Which has been happening a lot lately. That in itself is starting to dance on my irritation nerve. Just one of those days. Sooooooon the sun will come say hi. and maybe give me good energy lol Cheers
Good Morning, Bryant!
First: What is it in your life that you keep living with that you just can’t live with anymore? Sometimes these things occur to serve as a reminder, especially if they are building up momentum in quick succession. Of course, this is an inner dialogue for you, you know? Follow your heart. <3
Second: This is what I woke up singing in my head. Might be too old for you.
PS: Sometimes these things happen to keep us safe, too. (RE: Mechanical failures)
Good Morning, Everybody!
I hope you have a great day and that each one of us remembers there is nothing we can ever do that will take us away from the Light of Our Creator. (When I say things like this, the definition is up to you to define and I don’t mean any harm) May your purpose appear before you to strengthen your resolve and to let you know that you MATTER and you are needed.
Much love and peace!
Is that sand in pic 2
Oh…Morning. Hello, hello hello…I love to say hello
Hello, hello hello, the favorite word I know
Thin about it, everyday is a NEW day, a chance to start over. Yesterday is behind of and we have a choice again of how this day shall proceed
Lift your head up high and walk in the sun with a diddly Dee and a diddly do. This was a saying from an old acquaintance I had who was bound to a wheel chair, paraplegic but was so grateful to be alive. Sometimes we take things for granted. Offense is SOMETHING WE TAKE
My mom Raised me on this kinda music. lol love it Finally up and going at when again. can’t wait for my new truck to come in
I hope that you find the solution that brings you the most peace and that you have a good day, as well.
I have spake, spoken, speaked. Tis like waiting on a new day.
I’ve got you covered, @Mrb53004. It was your box that reminded me that I needed to take inventory first then put in boxes. I’m going to send you the dried mushrooms I have left. Reishi will need a damn hacksaw, I almost cut my finger off trying to cut a piece off about a month ago. (Lesson learned for me: cut while fresh after growing; bought it whole) Thankfully, I didn’t seal it up yet. I think I forgot how to be a responsible adult with such things. If there is anything that y’all don’t want, please share with those who do.