Bruce Banner Fast Version /winter indoor grow

Day 23 from pop and looking good. Let’s see what this sweety can do? I raised the lights an inch and cranked them up to 100%. We’ve only got 2 more weeks until flip. I expect to top Alice this week. She looks happy and healthy don’t she? I am also beginning to get some aroma from her, so it is time to program the exhaust fan.


@Darodguy @Noddykitty I thot it was a twist on Apocalypse Now…I love the smell of napalm in the morning…

And you missed the " gen-gen-generation"…that was The Who!

And Alice is looking great! Starting to get my tent ready again, put styrofoam under the floor to keep the dirt warmer, still cold in the garage at night!


You got it @spudgunner

@Darodguy, was that general Patton saying that in the move.?


@Noddykitty Nope… Robert Duvall as Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore. “I love the smell of napalm in the morning, it smells like victory .”

I love the smell of weed in the early afternoon. And lookie here, a joint from last night I didn’t get around to smoking! Not waiting 3-1/2 hours until 420…back in a bit!


@spudgunner George C. Scott as General Patton in the movie Patton, “Aah, nothing like the smell of burnt cordite in the morning.” That gives us 3 solid references, bet there’s more. Oh, and I’m not counting the weed in the afternoon. That could be anyone at any time of day.
Alice has grown 3/4" since yesterday morning. I think I’ll take the lights to 18 hr tomorrow.


Congrats LA fans!
I topped Alice today and she is starting to look like a jungle plant. Props to Fox Farms; their Happy Frog soil is giving her all she needs, so far. I have only used declorinated water. Pics tomorrow.

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Here is Alice at day 26 from pop.
Happy V day!


@Darodguy Still so young and tender!

I think all the old men love Alice too!


I’ll be 70 later this year; my brother who is 83, tells me I am still just a geezer in training until then.
Topped her yesterday. That’s something I never would have done before now. I would have waited a couple of weeks, then taken a cutting, keeping the main top alive and getting another plant.


You DID keep the top for a clone tho, right?

I had to pick up my daughter from her boyfriend’s yesterday (a truck rolled back into her car and damaged the side impact sensor…and now her car won’t start! 3 week wait before the repair shops can look at it), so I finally got to see the clones I gave him in October :crying_cat_face: there is only 1 “good” one in soil and 4 dying sticks in his homemade DWC system. I’m pissed! Think I’ll ask him to bring the best of the DWC ones here and see if I can either replant it in soil or take a woody cutting.

I’d ask for the lone survivor (maybe call that one Kiefer) but that seems a bit rude, even for me! He plans on planting it outside in April but I want a cutting before then! Find a good strain and try to keep it going…arrggghhh!


I had a 100% success rate taking clones, they always lived. It was how we kept a great line going. I’m talking about back in the day("78-89). There were no seed banks back then. Over ten years of growing, I only grew three pheno-types: Thai, from a seed that came from a Thai stick(not my seed but a cutting came my way), Afghani from the last shipment out before the Russians invaded, and Jamaican skunk from one seed out of a guest bud smoked in my kitchen.
Now we have wonderful seed providers like Homegrown. I can plant one seed and finish it and be done, and not be obligated to keep it going (Or Lose the Line). I don’t need to keep a second growing set-up. No pressure.


Ya, I had not bad success rate back then. Now, no seeds! I’m choked about it tho as I had Death Bubba years ago, finally found someone with clones, paid my $40 for 4 of them and grew some great tasting weed and made some cuttings with the intent of me and him supplying each other with free DB clones every time we’re ready, plus maybe a dozen each for the spring/summer guerilla grows. I really like this strain…

And none of the US seed banks (HGCC, ILGM, etc) ship to Canada. The government’s selection up here is about 5 strains. The joys of legalization…they control the supply, the product, and the pricing. And set up the rules to play by.

Haven’t even seen ANY clones on Craigslist for the past couple months…altho there is someone selling 4 40-foot trailers all set up ready to grow! And a $6000 bud trimmer!


@spudgunner I feel for you. Dagga Seeds is currently sold out of Death Bubba, but they are in Canada. Good Luck!
I culled the two lower branches and leaves to day, leaving 10. We’ll see what happens.

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I am humbled. I thought I was infallible, that my growing plan was rock solid, but I found out differently. I almost lost Alice. The leaves were curling down and crinkling, they were folding down where they meet the stem, and even the stems were drooping. This my first time growing a fast version cultivar. I thought all that meant was fewer weeks of flower time, but I have never seen a plant take off like this one once she went into veg. I had watered her in the morning, but by afternoon she was starting to droop. I thought maybe I had given her too much water, but after checking with my meter, the moisture was perfect as was the PH. I had to perform an emergency transplant. She had grown to big for her britches. All went well. Pic tomorrow,

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Good save @Darodguy ! Yeah, the bucket she was in on Day 26 does look a bit small, her leaves overhung the bucket the bucket was in! Got her in a 5 gal now?

420 isn’t that far away, 10 weeks. BBFV is 6-8 weeks flower. Flipping in a couple or three?

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Alice got some new digs. 30 days from pop. You can see some damage to some leaves, curling on the edges of the leaves, drooping on the tips, but she looks so much better than a couple of days ago. The original plan was to flip on the 23rd, but like in war, the first casualty is the battleplan. If I wait till the 2nd, she will be 7 weeks on 420. I should still be able to harvest 1 or 2 of the highest buds, but Alice will have the final word on when harvest time actually is.


I found another smell reference,“I just love the nearly lethal smell of skunk in the morning”, from Ice Age, Buck Wild.

Alice is doing fine in her new home, growing branches from every node. Training starts soon.


@spudgunner The original pot was a 1 gal, but was only filled half way up, leaving less than 1/2 gal of soil. Alice’s new home is a 2 gal filled about 3/4 capacity. I left some room to drop a couple inches under it or amend from the top. This plant really surprised me with some crazy fast growth; I don’t want to get caught off guard again.
We started our Thai Chi training today with a Bend to Level exercise.


Alice 33 days from pop. Current flip date is 2/25.

Hey, anybody out in Cyber-Weederville ever try any Oaxacan?

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Alice is looking very happy in her new home. Will be watching to see how she comes along.

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