Brown fan laves

I’m good this poor guy needs help.

Hay Brian what’s your humidity at

Answering a few questions here…I do not plan on throwing it out. I trimmed the two leaves and will continue to monitor. I specifically remember there being soil on the leaves just after I transplanted but I think I managed to get it all off. My humidity is really low, it generally runs bout 10-15%. Not ideal. Temperature stays around 75 deg F. I also do not think it is light burn because it seems to me like the top leaves would be experiencing this, not the bottom ones. The upper leaves are fine. Someone mentioned that they know a horticulturist. I would be happy to send the two leaves to them if someone thinks it is worthwhile.

It really looks like it was over watered for a while. Then moved the light close. Thinking it was to far. The leafs droop and at the vary edge curl upward the droop was water the curl up was light

Is this an auto? If not, let’s pull the band-aid off, turn her upside down and take a look at her roots and then repot. Anything moving under the leaves? Check with a loupe. I see brown dust from replanting, but it could be my eyes.

@Brian.C I can see you are watering too much. The soil needs to dry out completely for it to establish a strong root system. The leaves should never droop like that. Check out this thread. It may help you find out if you have nutrient burn or nutrient lockout also.

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It is an auto. There are no bugs on the bottom side of the leaves. I have previously had thrips and aphids and there are no signs of either. A lot of comments about overwatering. I am aware of what overwatering can do and have always been very careful to not overwater but that does not mean that I have succeeded. I can tell you that this is my third grow and, if anything, I felt like I have underwatered this one as compared to previous grows. In any case, I am going to cut back on watering, I have trimmed the two leaves off and will continue to monitor. I will post again in about a week once I know if things are improving or getting worse. Thanks for all the feedback.


I’m not questioning you. I mean, I am only because I work retrograde a lot, mentally, so I appreciate your patience with me. I know nothing about autos, because I accidentally grew one once.

Have a great rest of the day! :v:


No worries. I do not mind being questioned. I am still a newbie and in the grand scheme of things I understand that I have a lot to learn. I appreciate ALL of the feedback.


You cannot overwater, you can only water too often.
Only the lower leaves are showing issues, right? Here is pic/s from over water
image image image
Does it match?
now - nute issues - see if any pic resembles problem. You cannot get leaves to horticulture pro before they degrade.
Boron - image
Calcium deficiency image
Yellow Leafspot image
Ph fluctuations image
Phosphorous defieciency image
Powdery mildew image eventually mold will brown out where it grew but will spread. Is due to high humidity or too much / often foliar spray

cannabis-plant-problem-flowchart.jpg (1336×1100) (
overwatering…is this it?


Yes. Only the lower leaves are showing an issue. Perhaps the photo that is most similar to all of the ones that you sent is the last one in which you asked if it was overwatering. Still not a perfect match but similar. I am going to post a photo of the two leaves after I trimmed them.

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Leaf burn, yeah?

Reason being the central and interior are clear of mottling. Stem looks good.

If it were leaf burn, there would be evidence on the upper leaves. These are from the bottom of the plant unless the fans is BLOWING DIRECTLY on the plant.
I still thin it is a watering issue.

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As far as watering is concerned, I stick my finger about an inch into the soil and if it is dry then I water it. Is there a better method to use to determine when it is time to water?

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@Brian.C that looks like a ph burn. When you watered with your nutrients you must have gotten some on the lower foliage. It doesn’t look like phosphorus burn or a cal mag issue. Also doesn’t look like wind burn because wind burn would curl the leaves and make them look glossy/waxy on top. Pretty sure the ph was off in your mix and you got some on your leaves when watering.


@Brian.C with watering it’s best to cycle wet to dry because often with cannabis even when the top soil is dry the root zone can still retain a lot of moisture and cause other issues. The droopy leaves do look like you’ve been watering a little too much but the brown spots like I said look like burning from your mix getting on the leaves.


@Brian.C After looking closer at the leaves you cut off, and doing a little research, it looks like a possible phosphorus deficiency mixed with watering too often. I could be wrong, but the purple stem on the leaves, the dark blotchy spots, and the droopy leaves are all signs of phosphorus deficiency. I would flush the plant with ph water at 6.2 and then feed it with the n-p-k equal parts at 15-15-15 or somewhere in that range. It should bounce right back.

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@Brian.C FEEL the weight of your containers. Lift them…that teaches you to know when it is watering time. If you watch / visit your plants many times a day, and you know you watered them recently, just wait until you see them begin to droop / wilt. That is an indication they are thirsty.


Wow noone noticed a huge clue. 15%RH means the stomata on the leaves are closed up and the whole plant is having issues with transpiration, thus it is most likely a nutrient issue.

Anything below 25%rh and the stomata closes completely on a cannabis plant and it will slow all the processes, when the plants metabolizm slows it needs different %s of the macros.

Also if these are the only leaves affected, and you have removed them. Then it may be a non issue.