What do you think the best way to extract cannabinoid‘s without decarboxylation? I was thinking about trying to cold alcohol extract for several weeks or months in a dark cool place. High proof ETOH. But I’m thinking I want to keep it in THCA and not converted to THCV at all. or as little as possible. I’ve been reading a lot of the results of Israeli studies and they are saying that THCA is surprisingly good at fucking up cancer cells; …moving to clinical studies. Seems to conclude that thca by chance seemed to be especially good for cancer.
With the irony being that virtually nobody consumes it that way. If you’re heating it to decarboxylate by smoking, oven, or vape.
Cancer runs in my family so I found that particularly interesting anyway I guess. Unless you fresh juice it with flowers and leaves (whole plant) is there a good way to do it? Concentrating it without any breaking in the carboxyl is what I am thinking. What are your thoughts? Thoughts or any tips are always appreciated. I love your insight…
Or a cold press rosin for extraction. Were you could dissolve it in the high proof EtOH.? Or set it on the back of the tongue as a lingual?