How long for recovery after topping or fiming?
It’s been two weeks for me. Can I begin the flip?
@SlingShot 2 weeks is my go to standard. Usually is enough time for them to heal and resume normal veg. Has the new growth and speed of growth returned to normal? Have the cuts healed up and knotted over?
I fimmed one of my grape apes that is why I have 3 tops now. I am good with that though.
Do you “kick start” flipping with a more extreme light schedule?
I’ve seen things like 10 on 14 off for the first couple of days and then switch to 12/12.
Can’t remember where. Probably You-Tube.
Or just go straight to 12/12?
@SlingShot just go straight to 12/12. The other lighting schedules are just to starve the plant for light so it goes into survival mode and flowers faster, but you also risk herming doing that stuff with photos. Just go 12/12 and wait. You should start seeing preflower start within 14 days of flip.
Okay thanks for that
Will do just that
Here is my SoG. Will put a net over it in about a week. Don’t want to do it too soon since it limits any mobility.
Got a lot of LST going. Needs some defoliation but I’m going slow there. Just a little chopping every 2nd or third day.
Who or what is eating my leafs? I’ll post an image in a few. It’s too big right now.
But the ends of done of my leaves are chopped off, perfectly square. You would think someone snipped them off with scissors. I saw it a while back but ignored since it was only one or two.
Stand by for image.
I’ve had this tent going since September. It’s in a room in my basement. I have never seen a bug or critter. I pull my plants out every 3rd day to examine. Nothing, nada.
@SlingShot Sometimes when I top, if I pinch instead of fold over and break the stem, I clip the tips of some of the leaves and that is exactly what it looks like. That looks too even to be bugs. They look nice and healthy.
I think you are right. It is only the very top leaves on the places I fim’d. The one I topped with shears is fine.
Thanks for the insight.
Yeah it is. Crises over. Lol
Got my tent full of Banner Fotos going into flower. I’m in the north Ga mountains on 18 acres atop a hill. I have about 3 acres that see the sun, horizon to horizon. We grow our vegetables there.
I’m thinking of growing four more banners Fotos out there. I grew my first pot out there and it didn’t go well. It was raised bed and I had no idea what I was doing. They were autos and I did smoke them, so not a total loss.
My plan is to start them in the tent until I transplant them into 5 gal pots. I’ll still be using pre-mix soil(Mix-A-Soli) so I don’t have to worry about Nutrients often. I figure they’ll go out there mid to late April.
If there is any chance of a freeze, I’ll just bring them in the house. I also have a mini greenhouse and I might use it early on.
We get a LOT of torrential rainstorms here but I have a nice metal shed by the garden they can go in when the weather is questionable.
So that’s the plan. Since these are Fotos, I guess I’m committed to growing these Banners into the fall. Right? I mean, I can’t control the sun. So, how big can I expect? Will 5 gal bags be big enough. I don’t mind letting them grow all summer. I think it’s kind of cool. But is it practical? Is that how Fotos are done outside the tent?
Going back to nature can open some mysteries.
I grew a couple of years on my patio. My weather is similar to Seattle’s. I’d get a bunch of clones late May and put them in 5 gallon buckets. Mine didn’t get much direct light as I was north-facing, 6 to 8 hours max and indirect for the rest of it. They were under a glass awning so at least they stayed dry! They will grow! Top them, train them, if you want to finish them earlier, you can MacGyver some sort of cover like a clear plastic sheet to keep the rain off. Another reason to try to keep them shot! What are your temps like in October? As long as you don’t get freezing and you can limit the wet, you should be ok.
I want to try autos outside this year, start in the tent early May and move them outside early June. Hoping for a September harvest before the heavens open up!
Autos are a great way to get weed fast and easy but it’s like dancing with your sister.
I probably have more pot than I need for quite some time. I just love to grow. We live secluded, on top of a hill of our own. I do own and run a software consultancy but growing pleasantly fills the rest of my day.
I’m in north east Georgia, Rabun County. We are the wettest county West of the cascades so our weather is similar.
We did not get our first freeze until December but as long as I’m growing in a bag, maybe 10 gal, I can always bring them in.
But you are right. I can always “induce” nighttime. I’ll probably only do two trees. I usually germ one of two extra, assuming a loss. If they all make it, I give away any extras.
Thanks for your pointers.
Sounds like the American dream to me brother