1st Outdoor Grow🤔

The comment about words was to pass Go.

They are faring better now?

I guess the fact that their still alive lol.

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Hahaha! Sometimes, that’s the best I can hope for, so I can relate. :rofl::joy::v:

Hey…I AM STILL ALIVE…I am in hell (it just hit 118°) but I am alive. Where are the Bee Gees when you need them


I’m so glad I didn’t click on that. :rofl::v:

I also forgot how much the MB machine likes to scare the shit out of you on occasion. Poor birbs, too. :scream:

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C’mon, you know you wanna press that button… :crazy_face:

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It may help replace the current music in my head. Hmmm. :fire:

this will help get ANY SONG out of your head

be brave, click here

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Thank goodness it’s muted and I don’t already have the music preprogrammed since I don’t have children. The name alone. :eyes:

So I got my greenhouse & privacy screen on my 2nd fl porch.


Have you planted marigolds and/or calendula? Maybe you have some naturally occurring fleabane? Though I’m sure trekking through the field isn’t your idea of a good time, I wouldn’t. Feck that! :rofl::joy::v: I’m just thinking of good sacrifices for the bugs.

I don’t have miracles but I can get some what other plants are good

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Patchouli, that would be amazing. Do you hate the scent?

Never heard of it, will have to make a nursery run.

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@Mrb53004 @kmac03 I can’t hear staying alive these days without thinking about CPR/AED training.

performing chest compressions “ah ah ah ah staying alive staying alive…”

Bystanders: “why the fuck are you singing the Bee Gees performing CPR?”

Other emts and paramedics on scene: " well you can tell by the way I use my clock, I’m a saving lives, no time to talk…"

30 at 100-120 and a whole song parodied for life saving. :joy:


Hahaha! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: I should not have read this at this hour. “Another One Bites the Dust,” too. Just saying.

Bump bump bump…pause (Insert appropriate lyric here), and again. There are others.


Hi! Coco medium. Ingoing: 61 from the tappity tap. Outgoing: 130. Too nuted, right? I’m going back to basics and my math dyslexia is messing with me because it’s been a minute since I’ve been on this type of call.

is this the ppm? …if so, 130 is really 1300 and that is a good # for a stabilized mid growth plant…high for early veg, high for later flower

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Pt is not stabilized. Was deprived of essentials x 2 weeks. Regaining appendages automatically as it’s natural tendency to do, a little stunted, but life signs seem promising. Not ready to introduce feeding as she looks like she might be a little too jaundiced, especially for Alaska, hence the original question. Tiny hands. :rofl: I’d like them to get a little more broad. I’m using old school Coco ways. With all the work of a basic EMT person. Cool thing is, I’m writing things in a notebook! :scream:

Just flushed. 160 ppm and turning :green_heart:. Keep going? I forget.

I don’t remember what thread it was on (I need a nap), but we were discussing something about the saucer things and rocks. Is there something written somewhere? I thought you had mentioned it? I might be making things up. :zzz: What is this face in the sleeping section? :sleepy: Drooling?