Although you can produce a tap root in water, I believe it is unwise to leave it soaking for more than 12-18hrs. Just my two cents… There are reasons for this. Research it.
They look a bit heat stressed to me. Definitely don’t like seeing the young ones drooping unless they were just watered. But then again, mine generally barely droop after water. Internodal spacing is much based on genetics but all of his plants lack some internodal spacing so I would agree on the lights early on.
After popping over 70 seeds by this exact manner with almost 100 percent rate, I beg to differ, and they sometimes sit 4 days in the water and no problemo. The problem is when they don’t germinate by this method, I tried other methods before and none of them were nearly as successful and took way longer…but to each his own. If there was an exact method everyone should follow for success it would be in one book for everybody. Thanks for the advice but I will keep doing what is working for me…which is everything so far.
Didn’t realize we were in a wit battle or any kind of favoring period, I am just here having fun growing. You want to troll people and insist they take your advice.
A) I did purchase a new grow light for this particular tent that is about 200 watts stronger than the one I have been running for the last year and a half about a month ago.
B) I did have it too close when the budding plants were growing, so damage that was done cannot be reversed…but I am watching my plants and learning to correct it.
C) I don’t remember asking anyone for advice on my plants, so if you have your grows down perfectly than good for you. I hope you become famous or something.
D) As for me I make quite a bit of money off what I am doing, and I am only getting better through my own trials and tribulations. I also learn best through my own failures.
E) I don’t care about yield, I care about quality and my quality has been getting better grow by grow.
F) I also train my plants in a very different way than most people I have seen, and some now I don’t train when starting a new strain. Internodal spacing can be affected by many other things besides light. I.E. The one in the back is not trained at all and the one to the left is. The genetics are not very good imho and that also has something to do with it.
G) I have bigger yields than most people in general and it is dense not larfy, so please don’t help me. IF there is a problem, which I don’t consider there to be, then I will resolve and fix it.
H) Computer Programming Degree, Electrical Degree, Business Management Degree, I am bored now and messing with plants. Maybe I will get a degree in that also.
I) I am not befuddled either, I think quite clearly. Just don’t have time for meager attempts by egotistical growers whose overinflation of said ego makes them an expert all the sudden.
J) I am also fluent in Latin (as in the dead language) and Spanish so if you want to take this to another language we can
K) We can do this Tombstone style:
Germinating seeds in water is a great way to start growing plants. Simply fill up a cup with tap water and allow it to reach room temperature. Next place the seeds into the cup and wait 24 to 72 hours. The cup does not need to be placed in sunlight although warmth does help the seeds germinate. After 24 to 72 hours, the seeds will sprout tails which means they are ready to be planted.
Much like everything else, there are pros and cons to starting seeds directly in water.
The downside to this method is moving or transplanting the seed after the 24 to 72 hours is risky. The sprouted tail is very fragile so it can be easy to damage or break off the root.
Moreover, planting a tiny seed with a sprouted tail is also a delicate procedure. You only want to bury the seed about 1/2 inch from the surface. Place the seed so the sprouted root is pointed towards the bottom and cover the seed gently with loose soil.
The risk of damaging the tiny seed can be reduced by giving the plant more time to get stronger before moving it.
You cannot give the plant too much time in just water since it will need nutrients to continue growing after it grows out of its seed.
Other than that no risk…hmmm. Please note that the seeds that are good are almost like eggs. They will float when they are good vs eggs will float when they are bad. Bad seeds will sink and not germinate. The falsehoods of this are submersing the seeds and this is no bueno.
Boy alot of ignorant motherfuckers on here now, it’s funny people grow for a year or a year and a half or 70 plants an now they are god all mighty give me a fucking break, no wonder all the knowledgeable people with true experience are elsewhere
yeah, I joined Noddycat and the others on the dark side…they have cookies!
And respect, only seen 1 or 2 dickish comments there. But a lot of positivity and comradery.
I’m going to toss in my 2 cents. I have tried several methods and what works best for me is a 10 to 24 hour water bath in darkness using distilled water. I put it in a spot near my coffee maker which is always warm. When I can see it start to swell the seed goes between paper towels moistened with the bath water and into a plastic bag and into a top cabinet for a day or two (warm & dark). Next into moistened seed starting soil which is not loaded with lots of nutrients. Once it pops up, then the grow is on. YEE-HAA.
Oh yeah, good luck and enjoy.
Nice, guess everyone is on the hater train…no worries. Sorry the old people cannot accept any other way of doing things but their way. Just trying to do my own thing if you don’ t like it not my fault. I have plenty of experience and still learning. Never said I know everything but there is too so much I have learned from watching the major growers on you tube that I don’t really need people without pictures
Haters abound on this mf fo shure
I’m sorry your pot sucks and makes you so irate at the world. I just wanted to help you achieve a higher quality product. You know, one that makes you feel happy, not that weird anger inducing shit you’ve been smoking. But, whatever, you be you. Peace be unto you and good luck
Doleo ollam tuam sugit et te in mundo iratum reddit. EGO iustus volo ut adiuvet te consequi altiorem qualitatem operis. Scis, qui te beatum facit, non quod fatum ira inducit stercore fumantem te fuisse. Sed, quodcumque est, tu es. Pax vobis et bona fortuna
Lamento que tu marihuana apeste y te haga enojar tanto con el mundo. Solo quería ayudarlo a lograr un producto de mayor calidad. Ya sabes, uno que te haga sentir feliz, no esa mierda extraña que induce a la ira que has estado fumando. Pero, como sea, sé tú. La paz sea contigo y buena suerte
Sounds good Hans… I like to see what everyone is doing and posting pics. Im always looking to improve if I can that’s why I still consider myself a beginner grower (in organics) even though ive grown for years. Prior I was growing with a much more simplistic growing medium and was getting great results… Now its just a hobby so I love to experiment with soil builds (for veggies too).
But anyways, I was not saying they look bad… Just a bit scrunched in the node spacing. I also, mentioned this could be genetics. This is not a who’s better bro… Just sharing info… And yes, we all do it a little different.
As far as spacing… These plants are about 30 days old today. These genetics typically trigger a little early (between 3-4 weeks) but they make a nice consistent stretch over the next few weeks and will go from about a foot to 30" average by time there in mid stacking.
This is an Ethos Pina Auto in earth box… I like tight internodal spacing but not too tight. Both the Ethos and Mephisto have proven to me to have great ratios (spacing, leaf/flower, etc.) and the genetics are proving themselves out time and time again.
Mephisto Forgotten Strawberries in 5g fabric. Again, very happy with the internodal spacing as she’s just starting to stretch out.
Ethos - Planet of the Grapes in earth box. She stretching nice… Again, the inter nodal spacing is spot on for my taste at this point.
In the stretch phase im still only allowing them about 700ppfd. That’s enough to give them the light they need and keep them comfortable and my lights are still pretty high. The stretch I do not like them to be stressed at all. There will come a time shortly to saturate them with light intensity.
Anyways… Two different styles. Two different results. People can absorb the info and figure out what works best for them.
Ethos - OG Kush auto in 5g fabric.
Mephisto’s Wedding in Earthbox.
Mephisto Forum Stomper x Sour stomper. This plant is 38 days but was about the same size as the others at the same point. This strain does stretch and branch a bit more and I just pruned all the lowers at the end of stretch.
Mephisto Double grape x Skywalker x Skywalker - then at about 55 days they will look about this size.
The larger ones need pottasum prob phos as well but the other two are normal just gsnetics I’m guessing short bushy like that just feed those gals.
@laf6502 Your plants look like they are going nicely. I always enjoy seeing growers going organic. I believe it helps with the terp profile. Better terps, more enjoyable smoke.
It seems it you bud. I’m not siding with anyone but I’ve seen you in other threads. Some friendly advice. Bite your tongue. You did say you was done. I’m sure you know your stuff but a little arrogant. Or just don’t like others opinions. Just say nothing or thanjs.
You posted your method and its been going on now ages. Your plants are your plants. People should answer the question and if it’s not received then hey HO.
I have a friend that wants to grow, use my equipment but knows zero and refuses to read. So I won’t waste my time. If he won’t put effort in he can do Sat down he’s not gonna produce anything. His gripe is electric. Yet fail to prepare prepare to fail.
I wish you well. Your plants don’t look bad at all. Is the yellowing on the mature ones the fade?
Is that" chill out dude* in dpanish/Portuguese
You describe you. I’m not a hater. The opposite. Try valium.
Yep. You nailed it exactly
mf fo shure.
Ive nailed this too.
You are obviously either a dumb kid or dyslexic. What on earth is wrong with your spelling?