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:v::laughing: the Girls get hungry

36369 Latest Trophy :blush: New Mexico Pronghorn Summer Sausage is to die for


O wow trichomes on trichomes and then some more!! I licked the screen. Cool deer looking thing aswell. Congrats! Is that Gelato?


When you licked your screen - ? Was it when you scrolled the bud or the Pronghorn?:sunglasses::thought_balloon:

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Not sure i should tell
But the first pic is the one that really has my attention … thats things I’d never think to give a plant?? Well except coffee grounds… or maybe I’m waaay off and thats what he used to lure in the pronghorn??? @DollarBill. Whats up with that stuff?


Have you tried using the low sodium v8 in your mix? Wondering if salts dissolve at brew?? Haven’t tried a mix yet but I love your outcome. Very nice!

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@CkNugz @Jram_13 @regnartS :grin: the coffee filter is only for straining the liquid from the vigorously shaken V8 Juice. When my grow buds and i started growing indoors back in the 70’s one joint would get you 5 years in jail so you did not dare leave any paper trails buying anything. They have all gone modern nutes now but my wife and i are still stuck in Hippy Mode :blush: How to grow Gorilla Glue #4 Feminized - Q&A Get a Good Laugh :upside_down_face: How do you indulge? i crawled 400 yards on my belly to get a 200 yard shot at that Pronghorn Antelope. at 68 years old i’m still sore but he’s at the butchers.


Well then… that is some good info and I thank you sir

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That is absolutely awesome!

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Marvelous Darling, Simply Marvelous…makes me drool

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That thee is a LOT OF GOODNESS…like an Olivia ShitBall

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Lol thanks Taste fantastic

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About to scrog net her in the next few days hoping she will get as big in that 20 gallon as my two did in there 10 gallon pots These 2 take up the whole 4 x 4 Got to make them count when there is unfortunately a plant count of five And here’s the last two that makes five


Very nice, how many grams did that weigh out to? Can we do this price is right style? Gunna guess…8 grams. Can’t wait for someone to bid a dollar, Bob! Lol

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My deck plant has started flowering in ky



Ready for move to the big tent


Not sure exactly lol but your far off it’s gooey sticky had to been close to an ounce give or take


Very nice ball then!

What’s Brown and Sticky?..A STICK :rofl:

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