Very nice. I wish I had your space. I only have a 2 x 2’. With 3 in.
I started with a 2x4x5’ box i had built! It worked well, i jumped to 4x6x6’ tent! Hind site could have went with a 3x3x6’ but its nice having space to spread out
I’d suggest back-tying the stem when you bend them like that. Notice how in the last picture the stem is no longer coming straight up out of the media . . . it has been pulled over in the training process.
Tie an anchor to the lower stem before you bend it over and you’ll reduce stress and damage to the root system.
Right, i have yet to remember to do that! She was harden at the bending point probable would have snapped if the soil didn’t give: she is a clone outside with the Tent occupied for another 4-5 weeks: she has time to recover
If they’re too stiff just crush and twist the stems a bit before you bend it. She’ll lay right where you want without snapping or splitting the main stem when training upper branches.
Right! Thanks for that info. I have in the past when a G13 out grew the tent: didn’t think of it this time
Chopped, discovered spider mites! Bud washed with water & peroxide rinsed hang wet trim! Just the one plant!
lucky the pots were marked got them mixed up in my head! This was the ATF!Of course i didn’t do it and moving the plant each day back and forth to extend the light exposure it snapped! Murphys law in effect
Gathering my thoughts and changing equipment: continuing my journey towards Organic growing going to move to (2) Earth boxes! Working on a large scale pot (45g) mixing my own soil. This time i can’t wait to Chop so that i can begin this new journey into grow your own Med