Ok why can't I get off on edibles or tinctures

I have been trying to find some way to consume my marijuana besides smoking it. I tried old school ways of making cannibutter on the stove and oven but that didn’t work. Then I invested in a LEVO machine and have run 4 sessions, 2 with MCT oil and 2 with EOX. The last session I decarb 10grams @225 for 40 min then infuse with 1 cup EOX @ 130 for 8 hrs…then I let is sit out overnight to evaporate some of the alcohol. I am left with about 1/3 cup Green Dragon.
I have also tried store bought edibles and no luck.

Someone said I need to use a whole OZ to the 1 cup but I grow pretty good smoke and thinking I don’t need that much but maybe I do


I’ve smoke for so long it doesn’t do much for me either @retiredoldguy i think that we just love smoking it :laughing:


I used 1 oz per 1 cup of oil and made spinach, with it and added to much and was dosed heavily, I made muffins and using 1/4 cup of the oil and if I eat 2 it is too much 1 1/2 is perfect. so my take on your infusion is there needs to be more weed involved. I bet if you do the 1oz per cup method you will get off!


@Caregiver thanks for your comments…I guess I just need to stop being hard headed and just do the damn thing


@retiredoldguy, I’ve been in the same boat. Edibles have never done anything for me. That is, until just recently.

A friend of my (local) grow buddy made some cookies. Supposedly uses 2oz weed per batch. They tasted awful but boy howdy they did the trick. I felt beyond stoned - almost trippy.

I’m on vacation all next week and I think I’m going to try making some edibles. Ive got another harvest coming soon so I’m thinking it will be a good way to preserve the last harvest.


Yeah I think you guys are right about that i haven’t been using enough bud myself


I have a good friend from college whom never ever could get high off any sort of edible or orally consumed liquid extract. But he gets intoxicated just fine smoking. My theory is his liver must metabolizes it (cannabinoids) differently than the rest of us. It’s one of the great mysteries of cannabis .

The older I get the more people I meet. That also make the same claim. Such as consuming same batch available and it makes their friends on the ground drooling on them selves. And they felt like nothing happened.
I think there’s something to that.:point_left:


Yes my wife make butter for brownies everyone get but i don’t but i am chronic smoker old toker lol


I’ve always thought I was just being impatient. If I had a couple hours to myself to wait for it to kick in I’d probably smoke a joint during that time. :rofl:

But, I knew for sure I got high on the edibles this time. I don’t really get stoned like that unless I run out of weed for a spell; but that hasn’t happened lately…


Well the old saying ‘misery loves company’ is all I can say. As far as my liver I have always had bad hangovers… I can’t drink much before I am peeing on myself so I never drink more than 2 drinks any more but I can sit and smoke all day long on weed others have one and done. Good to know I am not alone in this. It seems those of us who smoke too damn much every day have a hard time with these types of products. But even Willie and Chong had to eventually give up the smoke and I am approaching their ages now. My lungs seem strong when I get my physical but I know it can’t be good in the long run…ok time to light up and read what I just wrote :cowboy_hat_face:


Ive herd the liver being mentioned,so as a heavy beer drinker is that why edibles dont work for me? I smoke,i get high but i can eat a whack amount of dispensary edibles and i get a little tingle. A buddy gave me some magic shrooms and those work. Does it come down to chemistry? My mom doest get high off smoking but loves her cbd gummies.
Does it boil down to each person kinda thing? (If that makes sense).

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@c4stevo I do kinda think it is but I was hoping for some magic bullet


retiredoldguy Hey I to bought one of those machines & made some brownies was high as hell for 7 hours I ate a big one . I use coconut oil & use it. I do the fill the thing with weed & then fill with oil & run for 3 hours. It works great. I made some great gummies also first time on both


Just me but I made some Canabis butter one time using the bud leaves from an indoor grow. I took dried leaves and sprayed them with151 rum and them put it in the oven at a low temp. Then into a crock pot on low overnight. I used the butter on chicken wings . At 1st I was thinking this was a bust so I had 4 wings total. 30 to 45 min later I was so baked almost tripping. No idea how much weed I added to the butter. Look up canabutter on high times it has good driections. I think it was 1/4 oz per stick of butter. Do not over heat the weed in the oven but the oven heating brings out the thc.

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I found the site

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@bigbud thanks I will see what this tells me…

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@retiredoldguy I made some brownies for Thanksgiving. I’m “dabs” high right now from like a 1/2 of one. It took a few hours to set in, which I guess is cool cause I got home before it really hit. I should probably check on my brother in law…. :thinking: :grin:

2 cups coconut oil
2 oz decarbed weed 240f 30mins
Put that in a small crock pot and keep it just warm for 2 days. Heat to 200 or so occasionally because you forgot to turn it off. Strain. Use the oil in the brownie mix of your choice. Add a little extra fresh ground weed to the batter as well. Enjoy the trip. You will “get off” my frier :+1:


I am still a big fan of stuffing a turkey with a bunch of weed and a stick of butter. Cook normal and baste it twice an hour. Maybe a couple of your fire peppers too. The sandwiches and gravy both get you so high.


thanks @CurrDogg420 I can see I need to up the amount of MJ I use. I just hate to waste a weeks worth of smoke if it doesn’t work…


There is some pretty good research ongoing about this stuff. As with almost any rich flavor or scented herb or fruit, the palate of terpenes creates an unique reaction. The trouble is, decarbing our weed and eating it does in fact eventually get the THC to our brain by way of the blood stream, those terpines we all identify our various strains and buzzes with can’t survive our gut. When we use it by mouth, we simply don’t get the terps.