Ny legalization?

April 7th lawmakers in VA reconvene to vote on July 1 as the beginning date for implementing the law they passed on legalization for adults. We will only be able to grow 4 plants (legally) and they must be “labeled” and out of the sight of anyone under 21 LOL

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Not enough personnel to go to every home where it is suspected and privacy invasion if there is no cause for inspection. No one will be able to say the ODOR is definitely coming from your plants unless they are OBVIOUSLY EXPOSED…Time to GROW OUTSIDE KRIS
Today we are in the 90’s…I migrate my plants from tent to yard as long as nights are above 50°


I agree, and I’m not worried. I’m surprised that what is grown in the privacy of your own home is to be “labeled”. As far as the smell:

“ The new law, which contains a variety of reforms related to motor vehicle and law enforcement policy, stipulates that “no law-enforcement officer may lawfully stop, search, or seize any person, place, or thing solely on the basis of the odor of marijuana, and no evidence discovered or obtained as a result of such unlawful search or seizure shall be admissible in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding.”

Which I’m very thankful for! The neighbors next door are the regional reps. For MADD. They have police at their house all the time.

Here we just had our last night of temps in the 30’s. I would love to grow outside…but last year I had raccoons eating my Vincas. Squirrels eating my Hibiscus buds, and rabbits ate the heck out of my Hosta’s! …and then in June we have the Japanese beatles. I’m not sure if they eat pot, but with my luck they probably do! They eat everything else, especially my gladiolus, roses & hibiscus :(.

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I had coons, rabbits and squirrels…my issue came from DEER eating the NEW BUDS…Beetles - no worries, easy enough to fend off

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I wish! I have 3 beetle bags around my pool area and have to change them out about every 2-3 weeks due to the stink of all the dead beetles in them. As well as the bags, I carry a dish of soapy water and long tweezers and go around picking them off almost every day…sometimes several times a day. I grow a lot of flowers that the beetles seem to love. I don’t like to use Sevin dust or any other insecticides that will affect the butterflies and hummingbirds that are also attracted.

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Great fertilizer…add them to a compost pile…place a warning (in Japanese) “THIS IS WHAT WE DO WITH JAPANESE BEETLES” If they still come, do it in Italian… :laughing:
Happy Easter


LMAO…gotta admit, I never thought of that possibility!

Happy Easter!

week 11 ww photo’s & 1 unknown, left rear corner, all so far so good :pray:

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I advise not to put out traps for them…it attracts the ones you won’t get get other wise…been there three times,my close by. neighbors didn’t get any .

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