Mars Hydro tsw 2000

Do I need to dim the light for seedlings.

Newbie here but my seedlings are doing great with my tsw 2000 at 90% set at 30"

You can always raise it, if you have room. But it’s better to dim it and run closer. During seedling stage no closer than 24in. Preferred around 30.

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I have been growing since 1974 I am still learning. I don’t dim the lights I rather raise my light 1-1/2 feet away and I have never had a problem. Happy birthday and happy growing I like this form. Others seem to gang up on a replies aren’t meant to be mean just wanted to say that you’re helping me and others.

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This is a great forum. We all just enjoy growing and chilling. I dont think there is any one set way to grow anything. I’m actually new to growing cannabis. But I am a very experienced in vegetables, herbs and fruits. Been mostly self sufficient food wise for a while now.

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If you have a dimmable light that makes things much easier if you have a high par/ppfd light. Yes, you should dim the light so the seedlings get about 200 to 400 PPFD. If you don’t have a par/ppf meter you can look at the manufacturer data for the light and it will give you the par/ppf/ppfd values at different distances and then adjust your light so seedlings get 200 to 400 ppfd. Veg you want 400 to 600 ppfd. Flower you want 600 to 900 ppfd. Hope this helps. Happy growing. :v::metal::call_me_hand: