Grand daddy purple

The hurry up and wait phase is driving me crazy. Haha! I haven’t tried these before.

I appreciate you. :v:t2: :heart_eyes:

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Definitely looks good!! Take care

I am enjoying my GDP, she smokes smooth

Dang. I just bought Gorilla Glue regs. Now y’all have cued up another in my list. It just never ends.

With regard seeds you have to sex the plant? Do regular seeds produce higher yield. Scared of getting a male

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Honestly, my philosophy is different than many, not at all saying I’m special. I just have an instinctual disregard for altered nature. Many sell only feminized because they wish to protect their breeds, I understand the concept, but I also operate under the notion that we are natural beings who nature wants to take care of and we have twisted what the definition of abundance is. Anyway…this is my philosophy. :pray:t2:

Can I control the scene, so to speak, to prevent pregnancy? :baby:t2: :baby:t3: :baby:t4: :baby:t5: :baby:t6: Well, I did it prior to giving birth, so I think I can manage taking a male :running_man:t2: plant to another location while I determine his fate. :woman_farmer:t2:

Meaning, once I start seeing progression of hormones kicking in, which you will notice by the change in leaf/stalk/flower shape and smell (just like when teenagers suddenly need deodorant). :nose:t2: That’s when I start to look for variances in structure just under the first top nodes. :white_flower: If you are smelling something one morning whereas you didn’t previously, then chances are you have a male. Hopefully, I make sense. I just smoked some Harlequin Kimbo Kush and I’m skirting the dreamy edge here.

I applaud your explanation!! I enjoy hearing about different thoughts.

Have a awesome warm weekend

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You, too, Lady! Remain safe and warm! :pray:t2: :heartpulse: :white_flower: