Good morning check-in

I’m loving the colors you have going on. :star_struck:


Tes I would love to try the skullcap my email is [email protected] thank you all is well besides my anxiety has been through the roof lol.

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Email sent, @Godshelper.

Good Morning, Y’all!

I’m not sure if everyone is feeling heavy with life lately, or if it’s just me projecting. Either way, I hope y’all are doing well. I’m sending out some more packages today, if anyone needs a little help with vitamins or anything, please let me know.

@LuckilyCharmed, what should I plant? Looks like we may be here longer than the end of March, but I’m still planning a move. You sent me so many goodies that I don’t know where to start.

@Mrb53004, I have a new baby. :heart_eyes:

I hope y’all have a great day! Much love and peace! :heart_eyes: :v:t2:


Good morning to all you lovely ladies and gentleman. Today is a little bit warmer than freezing but it is raining. Been on the job for about a month now which is why I haven’t been on here as much because it’s pretty demanding. @kmac03 I say go for an auto . Should get done quicker then a photo


Good morning to all you guys and have a blessed day

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Morning everyone, hopes for a good day


Good morning friends, cold but sunny here in Ohio.

Be safe, healthy & war.:heart::+1:t4::heart:

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I am sitting here looking at our dog lol


She likes to changes colors on you, huh?

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Lol no Khatrus picture of his dog ours is almist a twin


And the plot thickens… :open_book:

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Then things started changing colors

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From green to blue and back again

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Good Morning everyone. Stay warm today!!!


My ladies are doing well and good morning to all you guys and have a blessed day

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Good Morning, Y’all!

Looking at your gorgeous emerald beauties inspired this to pop immediately into my head:

Have a great rest of the day! Stay safe and healthy! :v:t2: :eye: :cyclone: :heartpulse:

Man you got alot going on in that tent. It looks so green & organized!!

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It’s not a tent refection film thanks