Lovely inter nodal structure. Color is mesmerizing!
Beautiful buds guys keep posting
Great pics/ effort! Yes, certain cannabis strains change color towards end. You’ll like Gelato. Congrats!
Thats is stunning.
My Goodness
@OkieSeth7234 mesmerizing
![|32x32]( Dang Egyptian Script
- capturing one’s complete attention as if by magic. Well uh that Sucked as in Big Time Bogart Stuff or The Curse of King Tut
LOL…I’m so envious of the size as well as you are able to grow outside!
Yes I only grow outside . Low cost high yield. This year I have 1100 dollars from seed to vacuumed bagged. 20 plants. 12 gelato, 5 orange bud, and 3 blueberry for sleep weed. All in total cane out to 34 pounds dried and cured
Aw Seth, that’s really not very nice posting a pic like that! It makes me sooooo incredibly envious! What a monster!!
That bud looks like a sai. I’d be running around with it pretending I was Raphael.
Nice nugs this summer
@OkieSeth7234 sir this site is for posting pictures and blogs of cannabis grows not some crazy Scottish guy carrying a claymore sword around, as much fun as that is to see.
Look over my right shoulder you can see one standing