@rsed809 I use only fabric pots these days with the exception of my plastic dwc buckets.
Pros to fabric- more aeration and oxygen to the root zone, air root pruning and less risk of root binding and root rot/damping off, easier to punch holes for lst tie downs, you can grow larger plants in a smaller pot, and they make pest control and root expansion easier by allowing you to use the wicking (aka bottom feeding) method to water and feed.
Cons- they dry out much faster and you have to water more frequently, if not treated with preventatives they are prone to develop mold/mildew/algae if kept too moist, they tip easier when you have larger plants in them, they are more difficult to remove post harvest vs plastic or ceramic because they don’t slide right off and you have to roll them down and slowly work them off cutting back whatever roots have grown through the fabric.
I personally feel the pros far outweigh the cons so I use the fabric pots.