Do I have enough tent?

This is kinda my third grow and I had some issues last grow with some seeds not germinating so I started 12 seeds this time and I’ll be damned they all sprouted, is it possible to fit all of those plants in a 4X4 tent? 6 are auto and 6 are photo plants.

If I could have that problem, I wouldn’t put them in too big a bucket. I’d LST the hell out of the photos to keep them short, and hope the autos finish quick under 18/6. Then once you take out the 6 autos, transplant the photos into bigger containers, feed and flip a week later.

And depending on your locale, April isn’t too far away, you might be able to put some outside if temps and neighbours allow!


@jjress sog my friend. Sog. They’ll all fit. Just remember to rotate and move the plants around for even light so the photos stay small and bushy and tye autos can take off. Once autos are done train the photos and flip to flower.


what are the container sizes? That is key

I just bought a second 4X4 tent so I can have one tent on growing and the other one on flowering.
I am right now with 6 plants and it is getting too tight but I am not going to go down to just 4 plants just for space as I would rather them be tight.

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@Mrb53004 right now they are all in solo cups.

Here is 3 photos (5 gal pots) and 2 lil autos (2 gal pots) in a 3x3. For reference…


@regnartS my last grow I had 3 autos and 4 photos but I started them like a month apart so they all fit good in the tent I have. I really wasn’t expecting to have 12 going at same time, I might just get another tent and split them up. I have a little time to come up with a plan. They are just seedlings at this point. One of them doesn’t look so good, so I may only have 11.

I grew in coco 1 gal cloth bags and it 21 in HALF of my 4x8 so if you are skilled in solo / small container growing, it can work. If you keep the lights on >16 hrs, the photos can be flipped after the autos finish, you can transplant them into larger containers just before the flip


@Mrb53004 thats a good idea, I will play around with keeping them in small pots and then transfer them a week before I flip them. I am gonna have to get some smaller pots then. I only have 3-5-7 gal fabric pots.

i gal are pretty cheap on amazon, pick up a bunch. They are great to start out plants and then you can either grow like SOLO cup challenges or transplant to larger containers. Last grow I got 1oz and better from each container and had 6 containers

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One of my photo plants didn’t make it. But that’s alright.

@jjress I would have given it you a :black_heart: but nobody loves to see one die. Condolences :cry:

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I got some new strain seeds today and so I am germinating 4 more in it’s honor. :joy::joy:

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LOL! So 11 was going to be a problem but 15 are ok! Must have found some smaller pots!

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Welcome to the jungle happy growing

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I did order some smaller pots, but I think I’m gonna do some of the plants outside, just worried about pests getting to them. I’ll probably move them in and out of my screened in porch.

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Thanks, I lost another photo plant, but I still have 4 that are going good. I have 6 strains going, northern lights auto, blueberry auto, New York diesel auto, Ak-47 auto. Orange velvet photo, tangie chocolope photo. Kinda like a buffet….:joy::joy:

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The 4 little ones are a week or 2 behind the rest of the plants. I haven’t been very good this time of keeping track of when I germinated the seeds first round of seeds.

Yeah, I should document my start more…germed 4 seeds a few weeks ago, 2 came up, the other 2 I think I stewed them with the heating pad. Now unplugged, germed another 2 seeds, one planted yesterday and up today, the other has cracked but not much of a taproot yet so not quite ready for jiffy pod. My 2 big ones are just a bit bigger than the rightmost front one of yours.

I’m so used to doing clones where you may or may not know when they were cut or how old they are. Some I get may be 3" tall with 2 sets of leaves, others I’ve gotten at 6" and 4 sets! So I’d only track their days with ME! I’ve always hated documentation and treat it as a necessary evil (I do IT work for living so I know the value of it), but rely on memory and other means. I SHOULD write the dates on my weed calendar at least.

And then there’s part of me that says the girls are the ones telling the stories. If I document their milestones, doesn’t mean the next crop will tell the same story. Especially if different strains!

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