Bestva 3000w DC

Hi .
I’m running Bestva 3000 DC and wondering if anyone else is.
I have it in 4x4 x80" tent .
Ran a flowering plant though it on bloom only.
Starting new seedling now and just have it on veg.
My question is when do you turn on veg and bloom together?
Any advice good or bad will be considered :thinking:
Then out with the bad :-1:


You can run the veg and bloom together the whole grow for best growth.


Do you have to keep the light alot higher height with both on? On my first run of autos I tried both for full spectrum and it seemed to deform the leaves on the seedlings, started my white widows on veg mode and switched to full spectrum after about 3 weeks and those plants took off!


You do need to keep it higher at first yes. Start at about 36 inches full spec and then lower a little every day once they’re in veg to the proper ppfd.


Yeah thats what I’m doing .
Going to stick to just veg for now and let then get a few nodes first. Then I will put the grow to the roots when they got something to stand on.


Yeah 36" is strong with both on. Get a 6 degree room temp change when on. Going to stay on veg till after 3 nodes on this go around just to feel out things. New light. Humidifier
Setting up next tent in room next door for other experiments


Thats kinda what im doing this run, I had it on veg only 20in from the top and the leaves were getting wrinkly, raised it to 26in and they look happier, might go a little higher, next run I might try higher height full spectrum off the bat, but I do like lower temps, and less power usage running veg only to start them, I guess the experiment would be to see if there is better growth at the starting stage running full spectrum

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It is better growth full spectrum. The veg spec is designed to keep them short and bushy so when the flower stretch happens they don’t outgrow the tent. With the shorter bushy indica strains this isn’t a big deal and you’ll see more rapid growth early on full spec than with just veg spec.

You just need to keep the light high enough that it’s getting between 200 and 400 ppfd during seedling and early veg stage which is difficult in smaller tents but shouldn’t be an issues in a 6’ tent. After you have your 3rd set of true leaves you can lower it to get 500 to 700 ppfd and it will explode in growth then flip to flower when you’re ready and keep the ppfd between 700 and 900 for flower.


Now here is with this light I have a question.
Once I do turn on both lights veg/blm and I figure I’m ready to flip time from 20/4 to 12/12.
From all I gather I just leave the lights both on.
Which this I fully understand but. Before get this light I had to 1200w off brand and a Auto that was fully flowered I thought. Well I put this light in tent hung it 24 " I believe and was messing around and turned on veg/blm together. Came out next morning and flowers grew a inch long. Needless to say I was not to happy. So I turned veg off and learned that plant wasn’t done. Was only third Auto I ever grew so learning curve.
Point is when to turn off veg light and just go bloom? So say it acts more like fall and nice for last 2 weeks?

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You should be fine leaving both veg and bloom on at the same time, this will give the plant full spectrum especial during bloom.

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Yes, with Auto’s, time is irrelevant in production. They are genetically engineered to grow in x weeks, lights on all the time, some of the time,etc. The more light / longer they are on, the further the trichomes and turpines develop. Leavem on. It is hard to OVERLIGHT using lesser lights

Yeah I will turn then on on flip. Maybe two days before. Then I’m shutting off veg last 2 week and just run blm

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I am on week 2 I just flipped bloom on so I am running both modes now, Had to raise my light to 36in used a lux meter and online calc to find at that height for my light is putting out approx 350 ppfd