What to expect after topping/fimming

Hello everyone, I am on my first photo grow and I topped one, fim the other… What do I look for to make sure I didn’t mess up? I cut at lights off after watering and misted after the cut. Dark for closer to five hours afterwards. Topped-gelato fem FIM-sour patch kids photo. Thanks for the help in advance.

Edit: pictures are almost 24 hours after cut.


you should notice 2 tops growing where you topped & at least 2 tops where you fimmed, ‘‘maybe more’’, in a few days that is…looks like you did it right… when i top, i usually pinch the center new growth & pluck it out . but i know others snip with pruners… your plants look great… :+1:


Thank you! Brother, you know how it is when doing things like that the first time, lol. So nervous during and afterwards. I pruned, will try the pinch method on one that isn’t ready quite yet. Thanks for your input and kind remarks.


i have also learned not to top more than twice, ultimately i would like to end up with 6 to 8 tops.


You can realistically top many times as long as you give adequate time between for healing, but it also depends on strain some just don’t respond well to it. I’ve topped photos into 10+ tops before, but it took 4 months to get it all done before I could flip for flower. Its definitely a patience tester. I’ll never do it again :rofl:


They look great and it looks to me the top and fem are fine


Topped gelato fem

FIMed sour patch kids photo
A la naturale San Fernando OG kush photo
Thanks for all the help and suggestions everyone!


Multiplication! :+1: You planning to tie branches down?


Yes and defol, a bit busy lately. I also plan on transplanting the gelato this weekend/tomorrow night. Have a black Jack auto I have to trim and hang tomorrow.

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Busy day catching up… transplant, check. Defol, check. Stress training, check. I also pinch-topped the San Fernando OG kush and dressed the top soil with DE. I plan on bottom feeding/watering from here out. Just turned daytime back on for them.


HGCC Bruce banner auto

HGCC black Jack auto

HGCC Gelato feminized day (1) 12 hour flip

San Fernando OG Kush and Sour patch kids courtesy of @Mrb53004 day (1) 12 hour flip, hoping to join the all girls club.
One HGCC banana kush auto not shown. HAPPY GROWING!


They all have female tendencies and pistil growth! Score!


I am stoked that they are looking like girls
I have a PH that I am not sure yet…rebel rebel…where is Kmac when you need her?


@Jram_13 :v: Happy New Year for more Happy Grows


Happy New Year to you as well! If I could grow out of a hotel, I would :joy:. Been working on the road and my fav hobby has had to take a backseat! Hopefully will be able to try an outdoor grow this spring/summer. Hope all is well with you all and happy growing!!


@Jram_13 the last 17 years before we retired and moved to Arizona, i worked 3 weeks in Dallas Texas and one week in Amarillo Texas every month. i look back now and think How the hell did i do that.

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Went from central Illinois to Duluth MN/ Superior WI.

Then, home for three days Christmas and then to north western Illinois…who knows where next. I’m sure some place cold! :joy:


@Jram_13 I know that cold feeling I use to do iron work for a fee years we would take propane torches to the steel an get all the ice off b4 work everyday that shit sucks lol

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I’m used to it. Been doing this for 17 years now. Just have to layer up and know my limits. It’s actually worse in the heat, they don’t let you work naked, :joy:. The things we do for money!


@Jram_13 :laughing: Cool Job frick’n awesome, cigarette hanging outa your mouth LMAO! reminds me of my good ole days