What do you like best Indoor or outdoor?

What do you prefer and why. Outdoor or indoor growing, and smoking?

I’ve been growing outside for about 30 years in the Appalachian mountains and i am very greatful for my teacher when i was teenager god rest his soul i have been growing inside for couple years but i do miss growing outside and i prefer it

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@Daddy1971 @bbbbgggg4444 (Left) Sungrown Face Off OG (Right) Indoor Face Off OG :waning_crescent_moon: that sungrown is Super Good



@Daddy1971 Nice Pic just like i like it, No Hulls and taste Sweet Desire


out of likes Have a Great Day

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I’ve been growing outside for the better part of 20 years. I do believe that sungrown has the best full flavored smoke and is easier to achieve great taste with soil and sun. It definitely takes more know how to get the full flavor with lights and other mediums. I love the side by side photos of the indoor vs. Outdoor same strain. Very cool. Thank you for that share

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