I am growing my first plants which is going well so far. I have read how to dry the herbs when ready for harvest however I am wondering why I can’t just use a dehydrator? Is it possible to do this without destroying the taste?
[quote=“bryansp_ms, post:1, topic:11371”]
[/quote I would just stick to hanging and cureing that sounds like it would just ahh well u have at it and let us nooo I just dry in my rack and always cureeeeeeee
I think you should stick to the tried and true . . . those dehydrators have been around for years, if it worked as well as a slow hang dry does we’d have heard a lot more about people doing it. 60/60 in the dark for 7-10+ days then into jars or bags. I do like the heat sealed Grove bags for longer storage
However, there’s nothing wrong with throwing a few buds in the dehydrator for samples or testing though, if you’re happy with what you get then that’s what works for you.
Way I look at it is why put all the effort into caring for your plants when they’re growing . . . then cut corners when it comes to harvest, dry and cure . . . which is actually just as important to the end product.
What @frogyrogy said. Pick a green tomato, toss it in the hydrator, then eat it. Then pick a green tomato and put it on the window sill for two weeks, then eat it, and see if there is a difference. I can tell you there is. That time spent slow drying is time ripening. The only way I have heard of for quick drying is to freeze dry and that requires special equipment. Good luck and enjoy!
Yep… A lot of commercial is freeze drying. But home growers dry slow and cure. It takes days to release the chlorophyll completely. I think a food dehydrator would dry the chlorophyll taste in the herb… If your desperate for some weed, I would just clip a few nugs and throw them on the desk to quick dry and let the rest do their thing.
Why the rush? It takes 5 to 7 days to dry the plants. Another two weeks to cure it. If you stand and check the drying buds hourly you might be OK. Maybe dehydrate partially and then hang to dry might be a better way.
Thanks for the advice everyone! You talked me into the tried and true method. Maybe when I have an abundant stash I might try experimenting with a dehydrator.
Much thanks!!!
Dry, then Grove bags. They work!
If it ain’t broke dont fix it. After growing for 4 months waiting to cut them down and waiting 3 more weeks to have a finished product . Theres nothing like sitting with friends and smoking that finished product and patting myself on the back knowing I did this with the help of mother nature…
Curious what you mean by 60/60 in the dark?
That question was for frogyrogy
Temp and humidity . . . 60° F at 60% humidity for 7-10 days.
Fastest is rack and cute no other way is proper my op
I tried one and it completely ruined the buds, dried too fast and the trichome,s mostly blew off, tasted like lawn clippings,never again slow and steady wins the race.
Thanks for pointing that out! I won’t sacrifice any of my precious buds!!
Okay, you got me curious. We have a six tray Wal-Mart dehydrator that we use for garden plants and occasional jerky. For shits and grins, I decided to dehydrate some bud. The unit comes with a big chart for drying time and temp. I pick the temperature and time for fruits/vegs. I think it was like 16 hrs. at 140F. This was actually some ‘problem bud’ that had some mold that I washed off gently with HNO3 dip and it was a bit of an early pull. Clear trikes with plenty of foxtails but no amber.
I dried it as instructed and let it air out a bit. Then I smoked it. It wasn’t truly dry, but I rolled a bit of bud into a ball and put it on my pipe.
I noticed it was decarbonized when I hit it, and it did pull a cough out of me. My simple assessment is that it tasted like uncured bud which I have smoked before, though I have always dried longhand up till now.
Conclusion: I would not do if as a common practice. A lot of chemistry and some biology is getting short-shifted and/or accelerated. But if your cupboard is bare and it’s all you have, it is an option and did me okay in a similar situation.
It’s that simple
Under any circumstance
The exposure to heat degrades everything about smoke
It’s so very basic
I believe you said something about moldy smoke
If you did not
Ignore the following
As a new first time grower I discovered a Cannatrol. I’m in some crazy debt, but I love that thing. Ready to smoke in 8 days. Have some curing since June. Getting ready to dry my 3rd grow here soon.
You got it going on, man. I am strictly small time and just cannot justify the cost.
Going from years of hanging to having this u keep it out the elements no dust nothing floating in ya air will be stuck to the buds it’s very convenient and easy if people are saying it got too dry etcetera they lazy facts