I’ve got more left overs from last year than I can vape and am planning on converting it to dry ice derived keif. My method is efficient so I’m piling up jars of the stuff. Vaping it is somewhat harsh so I’m looking for more cooking ideas. Every method I’ve seen asks for the additive of some oil or fat for bioavailability. Every additive I’ve tried (coconut oil, MCT oil and lecithin) turn the stuff dark brown and every edible then is chocolate colored. I did some gummies whose flavor additive (per recipe) was a complete waste as it was indistinguishable from the old “grass” taste of cannabis I always get in any edible I’ve tried. EVERYTHING TURNS BROWN AND TASTES LIKE COMPOST! No I don’t use any decarbing appliance, I use the oven like most. I flatten out the keif between sheets of parchment paper to make “pancakes” of even thickness, about 1/4". Then the parchment sheets with the keif are placed between Corel plates, flat side to flat side to occlude air and baked at 220 for 35 min (temp monitored with TWO guages). Opened only after completely cooled. Now what shall I do with it?
Perhaps. My oven actually when set for 220 gives me about 235 anyway according to the separate thermometers used. As long as you’ve evened out the thickness to be not more than say 1/4" between the parchment sheets, I’m sure to get even and complete heating. I suggest everyone check their oven with a separate thermometer. I am also using convection/bake mode which, by the action of moving the air translates to a higher temp by about 10 degrees as well so I’m very close to your suggestion. I also am not afraid of THC converting a bit for sleep enhancement. Any recipes for edibles??
Put like a half gram in your coffee in the morning the heat will activate it., but Resin glands are the essential building blocks to hash., (the 3 glandular ones and the ones that looks like a hair without a bulb at the top)…So many uses for resin glands…
@Gdub when i melt sugar wax and dip bud nugs in it i roll those hot nugs in kief i saved so they don’t stick together in storage. The heat causes an awesome reaction between the bud, the wax and kief. and you’d be surprized how good a piece of Moon Rock tastes if you bite off a little piece and chew. chew enough,

Dollar Bill, first I’m assuming it is decarbed kief/resin glands you are using then how much sugar do you add to how much decarbed keif? and at what heat? I understand rolling in keif after the sugar mix to keep from sticking together I just need the details. It looks like a wonderful idea for the pounds of flowers and ounces of dry ice derived keif I have stored. Thanks so much for a reply!
Even if your coffee is actually boiling (212F) that’s not as hot as most suggest. Yet you say one gram of keif into say 6oz’s coffee or tea I suppose is enough for instant decarbonization? It works for you?
@Gdub i only puff homemade moon rocks made from our grows. Edibles work, but 2 small puff hits of moon rocks cures all for me
240-260°f is supposed to be the sweet spot for decarbing concentrates, for around 20-40 min., u can actually decarb your kief in boiling water just takes longer and make sure you have it in a sealed bag that won’t melt or leak.
Imagine if you could superheat your water to above 212°f, maybe If you tried to heat your water in a microwave it would do that.
@CkNugz Pure water boils at 212 F at sea level. You want to superheat water above that, you either need to pressurize it (boil it in a pressure cooker), or use a different solution such as salt water. Or add some glycol or something to it (Prestone) like in your car’s radiator!
Just make sure that bag IS leakproof!
Advise you not to use (Prestone)!.., No need to go “subcritical” in temp., either… Be extremely cautious when superheating water!, heated coffee shall be sufficient…
One of the only things I’ve smoked that actually took tooth pain away…