Trying to be smart could be just dumb

It will be fine, some like Kyle Cracks his plant stems to make them stronger.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence Pat!!!

Plant looks good. Dont sell yourself short. Grab some teflon plumbers tape and wrap that mofo up. In fact it will heal stronger and thicker… Check out supercropping. Good luck mb

Pack it with some sphagnum peat and wrap it with polyethylene or burlap., then plant a seed/strike in the peat., you’ll have a “grafted” dual species plant.:sunglasses:

Thanks for the tip, I tightened it up better, I’ll definitely check out supercropping, thx @Marshman420

Wow, that’s a thought, grafting. Boom!

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If you have fresh aloe growing in your yard, break off a piece, smear the goo all over the break, then tape up with cloth medical tape. At least that has always worked for me.

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Once the wound/split is dry, it wont fuse back together. I’ve had it happen several times and as long as you keep it from further splitting, there is no need to completely bring the split together. If you catch it early, definitely use aloe or cloning gel in the fresh wound. Bring as close as you can to the original state and use the same wrapping suggestions. I’ve not had a split like that completely fuse unlike some smaller side branches. All on outdoor plants.


Thanks Jeff, I think it’s too late now, but the plant is still growing well. I taped up as tight as I could.

Hi AC, yeah that’s what I thought, it’s dried and hard . I taped it up as tight as I could get it, good news is that it’s still growing well. Thanks for the reaponse.

You’re welcome, remember the middle/core of the stem/branchesdoesn’t transport The nutrients/life juice.

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Aloe. I put that s*** on everything.

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I do mine this way to any breaks I fix with tape and stick or popsicle sticks

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Fox Farm Happy Frog. Good Luck!

Updated pics , it’s surviving and started to show better bud signs. Budding has been slow up until recently. Not sure how big buds get before Harvesting needs to happen.


bud size has nothing to do with harvesting…it is based on genetics and environment
harvest is ready when the buds tell you
first sign = trich.pstl.hrvst
look at the stigmas - the calyxes begin turning color and new white ones almost stop…
then you can harvest from there like we old timers used to do before we had scopes, loupes and the knowledge to look at the trikes

then it is a preference based on strain and desired outcome
personally, I like harvesting when cloudy / milky becasue they continue to ripen (like fruit) even after they are cut

Thanks Mike, that’s a great description and great pics. I’ll wait til until I can’t see new white pistols and my camera zoom can see cloudy tricomes

Attempt at taking close up for tricomes. If you zoom in you can see tricomes. Are these considered clear or cloudy

I see cloudy but no amber. I’m thinking it’s not ready. But smarter folks will help.

if you match your pics to the stigmas, you are at 4-5 weeks