Topping, where to cut and tips

Hello once again everyone dear, as you maybe know I’m at week 5 and the plant has become a little too big for the current home growbox. To avoid burning the top due to short light distance, I would prefer to make a topping which I also know is recommended, so to avoid mistakes I prefer to ask for your help on where it is advisable to cut, in the blue or red part of the image?

Personally I would prefer to cut more so I would opt for the blue. Also do you have any tips before and after topping? should I do something special? Thank you very much.

Looks like you’re a couple weeks into flowering. Is she an auto? I wouldn’t top at this point in time, kinda late and you’ll lose your main cola. Instead, supercrop it. Right above the red circle in your pic, roll the stem in your fingers until it gets a little soft, then pend it over to 90degrees. Then it won’t get much taller, and the main bud will still be there, the lower buds will try and become mains so everything gets bigger!


right! that’s the way :sunglasses:

So @T1m how are they looking now? Curious minds want to know!

the red is right cut one half of an inch above the growth in the middle of your red circle the ble was right but you let it go way past the time to cut it is as soon as the second set of leaves start it almost looks like you already did it!

If auto plant good sir, generally we don’t topp them as they are fighting a clock and snipps slow her down ultimately.

If photoperiod plants. The blue spot in your picture is quite aggressive.
She’ll take it just fine there, but will take a second to recover it