Thinking about Growing?

Is the plant an auto or photo flower, that is the question. Auto flowers can be very susceptible to stress and when you only have an average 10 week grow period, you need to KNOW your children to decide if you want to train them and how. Some auto’s I top, some I LST (most) and some I DO NOT TOUCH.
Photo periods - they can take MUCH more manhandling
Strains -some have inherent issues where they get nanners / hermies. Gorilla Glue is known to give you these if you stress it too much. Sativa’s like to grow tall and lanky and many of us bend them over so they fit under the lights. Indica - usually shorter. SOG, SCROG - these metthods of training produce the GREATEST RETURN…just look at @dmtscravey - that is only 2 plants and he will gross close to a pound…a most excellent grow
Environment - if you do not have height to let them stretch, you start to change the grow pattern from vertical to horizontal
So, there are reasons for each methods and reasons to not touch them. Benefits, pitfalls. The more you grow, the more you learn. The more you pick the brains of the people here, the less trial and error you have to face. No need to reinvent the wheel









! GIF_20210204_120753


That is so crazy looking, talk about training, WOW


This puts a whole different perspective on growing, this is truly amazing work. The room you are allowing it to grow gives it space, light and aeration, which in turn will make it nice and healthy. I truly admire your thinking but mostly your courage to do so. :partying_face:

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@Munchy :weight_lifting_man:‍♂ years and years of scissor hands. :laughing: i’m looking at 26 Main Cola Buds on that one plants. it just may Double

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@DollarBill that is truly insane scissors hands, love it! You just love to have a good time :scissors: :raised_back_of_hand::partying_face::v:t3:

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@DollarBill what strain can take that much manipulation?

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@Munchy GG #4 Fem. <-- it’s the only puff i’ve sprouted since March 2020 except trying a few oldie seeds.

35298 :dizzy: 80 Watts @Munchy

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As a newby here I am grateful for the amount of experience and information but I am even more grateful that you are not shy about your passion. I have been a pasionate gardner since childhood. I have considered growing for a few years. I have studied and researched and worked on expenses etc. My passion transfered to growing weed immediately. I am honored to share my passion with this community and thank you for allowing me to do so


There is nothing better than being worth those who share your passion…welcome! Lets have some fun

@MoOG bro, i’ll mail you two Original Lemmon Kush seeds if you use My Method of being a Cheap Ass Grower :laughing:

:joy: add Mollasses


@DollarBill I’ll gladly join you in the cheap ass grower club. Man I just upgraded my light, AGAIN for my big grow room. Still havent broke 1k total and I got 2 grows. 1 5×5, 640w of light and 1 2×4 280w of light. And I’m mostly automated for the big room.

@Rye i’m to old to change my Cheap
and i don’t do ISM’s so to hec with what they say about Dogs and i’m Not changing the Taste of my grow :v: it’s T-Bone Steak or Nothing

Puff Puff and :laughing: No Covid Pass


@Rye you sure you want to Puff mine :laughing: i hate to tell you but this frick’n weed gets me way to High for Gambling Sensibility :crazy_face: sen·si·bil·i·ty


![|32x32]()Learn to pronounce


  1. the ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences; sensitivity.

“the study of literature leads to a growth of intelligence and sensibility” :rofl: Ouched Myself

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What in The Hell :wink: Looks Like someway i’m (i’ll remember when i wake up) GIF_20210204_120753



Hahahaha! What the hell did you do?

@kmac03 i don’t know, i might have uh Got to High just maybe; posted and it went crazy :grin: then the wife told me straight out, “You Are Not having any online grow contest because i am not listening to that crap out of your mouth every day” :innocent: so i went to bed pouting LMAO! am i glad every day starts new :v: and i got a good wife to Save My Tail @Rye show us a beautiful bud pic for my wifes phone and help save me bro