Sorry no pic. Will do my best to describe, this plant is one picky girl, So I am having heavy curling and clawing of the new growth and half way down the 2’ girl in 5 gallon fabric pot in soil ocean floor with amendments pretty light with the recent transplant from 1 gallon, recently done to rule out root bound theory. So I have let her dry out to rule out overwatering no resolve, Have watered normaly no resolve, checked soil ph 6.4ish water with tap water dechlorinated have tried cal-mag. I have another plant zkittles/gg4 doing great in same tent under same care. I am at a loss on what to do with this 1, some yellowing on lower non curled leaves, curled leaves have some light green in center of leaves working outwards. really heavy clawing even with very new growth. Any thoughts appreciated.
Sounds like an unhealthy root system. Maybe she was wet too long or was root bound before you transplanted her. Transplant can also cause some shock. Did the roots appear grey, slimey, or miscolored at all when you transplanted?
If it was just root binding and some shock she should bounce back in a few days once the roots start going again. Fingers crossed it isn’t root rot.
There’s also a small chance it can be wind burn and the poor girl is stressed from the fan if you have her close to it. Maybe try moving her to the middle?
Are the leaves clawing up or down?
Root system very tight and compacted opened up a bit just massage and little flex help circulation, I as well suspect root rot as well. Was checking upper layer been 5 days from transplant with mircorize…found being fragments of root system really weak wet prob. starting to decay…sucks
been moving her around as well as fans just not a happy camper.
Damn man. I hope she recovers. I’ve heard people successfully cutting the damaged roots before the rot spreads but that’s a last ditch effort. Here’s to hoping she recovers for you.
Keeping my fingers crossed as well this one has been tough since I received her as a flowering clone, Had space and time so let her come out of veg 2mnths btw and then rotated her in and for sure a challenging one. Not sure if from strain or just how picky Thia can be. Have learned from this adventure.
Just going to let her dry the F out and beg me for water see what happens.
Thank You for your thoughts.
No problem man. I hope you manage to save her.
I think what want to do first is flush using clear-x run a gallon only through her. No bites for a week ph water to 6.0
Sounds like theyre too close to the light
over 3’ away from light. I have let her dry out for a week and have seen positive results, less clawing and some width to the leaves returning. lt. water 1 day ago. will light water at 6.2ph again in another day she seems to be coming around. Thanks for the input.
Been a little over another week and Very Pleased to say she has made the turn and looking GREAT growing like crazy.
I am a new grower and like anything else new that we get into we want to exceed and bang it right out of the gate. Totally possible given the cliff notes available to us at our fingertips allowing us to immerse ourselves into this NEW awesome why have I waited so long interest, just need to educate yourself learn, read, and dive right in. As much as we do all of this to prepare, check the boxes from the list and begin this journey there are a few things that we need to respect and follow to achieve. I am learning everyday and will continue to do so.
#1 Plant is in charge
#2 I do not know SHIT!
#4 Less is more
#5 Take notes
#6 Respect
#7 Ask Questions
I hope to modify this list as I GROW with these plants.
As far as the Thia is going as I watched and listened, learned that this girl is picky to nitrogen as time went on she was curled but still growing and not real slow but growing curling pretty dark new growth compared to its natural color that she is coming back to now. Kept just watering at PH around 6.5 slowly building back up to normal water schedule around 1/2 gallon per day. Was listening to a podcast and talking about a plant they were helping someone out with and had mentioned the curling all the way that the tip was touching the stem the dark green complextion and just had me thinking that not completely into Nitrogen toxicity but not happy with the amount she was given as slow release top dress amendments.
So all in all very happy to see her come around as well as what I have learned from this they are individuals with there own needs. Patience Patience Patience, little edge for me from brewing my own beer for 8 years now, it takes what it takes and no you cannot speed up time. Happy growing hope that his helps someone along the way.
Sorry for the long reply but using this for documentation as well. Need to get the journal growing!
@Hayseed37 excellent list sir. I have been gardening, very seriously, for decades. Just started with cannabis, and indoors. And I have to basically say those exact things to myself daily about my girls. Yet I know this with my vegetable/fruit gardens. But in my mind I want to shoot the moon right out the gate. You sir have got a MAJOR jump start on a lot of first time growers.
Thanks for the support loving this journey so far. Have a GG4/Zkittles reg. in as well going to flip to flower in 1 week can not wait! Just harvested 1 of my first outdoor 2day. Stoked, she was gifted to me in the spring been caring for all summer, little heart breaking to cut her up. Not sure what she is but very nice. The community and the shared knowledge out there if you commit yourself and keep an open mind trust the knowledge hard not to go wrong. Mad props to all that have invested the time and put the work in to make it so easy, So to speak.