Test garden quality control

Just testing the lettuce


How’z it? :fire: :boom: :v:

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Well… I think I’m typing this message but im not sure. Also I think I’m in my bead, but im not sure.

I think I’m skipping in time :pinching_hand::sunglasses:

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Woot! Time traveling is fun. Make sure you are useful with your time. :wink:

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Best advice of the day, I thank you kind spirit

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You are most welcome, My Friend. Enjoy your evening. :v: :star_struck:


Smoking Marijuana causes short term memory loss
So what does smoking Marijuana do?


I don’t know. I might be lost.

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I don’t know about Mary, I do know about the empty glass causing father to completely forget about his kids after dancing with Jack, beating mother senses les. I know about Jack turning father in to a monster and doing the unnatural, how i wish father danced with Mary instead of jack maybe mother and sister will be still alive.

And so will the lucky judge and forget their past.

Peace and love


@Gabo, are you good, My Friend?

always. i took your advice rested after a 14 hour shift, then I went and cleaned the yard now im watching the rain doing such a good job.


Awesome. I just wanted to check. These days can wear on us sometimes. Peace be with you! :v: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Someone has to take a hit for the team, that’s just how the game is sometimes. It’s tough, but theres no crying in…wait damnit I got smoke in my eye…what was I saying