Can anyone tell me what this is? I have this black or dark purple stain on the bud sights of three branches of my outdoor plant. And should i remove those sights so it don’t spread? Does not seem to be spreading as of now. Here is a photo!
You can open the photos in “paint”, then adjust the size.
I got the photo, I edited my post
Not sure what it is…
Hope this helps…
Here’s another article…
Thanks buddy! The first article you sent me looks just like what my plant is doing outside and it seems like all them people have the same problem with their outdoor plant. The indoor ones come out perfectly fine. I almost think that one guy is right when he said leafhoppers might be carrying a virus because I shoot away a big leaf hopper last week that was on my outdoor plant. Maybe it did come from leafhoppers.
Hi… I looked back at the 1st article for more info on leaf hoppers and the virus they carry called phytoplasma virus.
Here’s a screen shot of what it read. I don’t think that may be the problem or if it’s a problem at all. Reading further someone shows a more accurate photo that more resembles yours. They stated its happened to many of there plants without any problems.