Should i wait to flush untill the ph gets higher?

Ph is at 5.9 for run off after watering at 5.9. Should my ph be higher at the beginning of 5 weeks flowering? Using Vegamatrix. Flowering ph should get higher i know that much. Vegamatrix says to flush every 2 to 3 weeks. that would be the third week or close to.

Yes. What’s your medium? Coco, soil, etc?

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Promoix. I feed two that were ready a day earlier then the others and changed my mind and am flishing the others.
I thought about how flush would raise it itself. And that flusshing is important. Something I have not got down and hope to this time. Feels good.

The two i didnt flush went to 6.6 and 6.8 run off. Hopefully the flush fixes it. The others i feed after flush and are are at 6 for run off.

Vegamatrix is on point with flush every 2 to 3 weeks.