Just like CHILDREN and GRandchildren EVERY SINGLE PLANT is…Different. I have grown a bakers dozen of a certain STRAIN (Bubba Kush, etc) from well known seeds banks, and each PLANT is slightly different. Even year to year, batch to batch. In other words. YES, it is normal, Virgina. There is no such thing as “Mechanical perfection” in nature. Some plants will be LEGGY, some STALKY, some, DROOPY, some STRAIGHT as a SOLDIER! Some grow twice as high as their sisters in the stretch!! Why ?? Who know?!? Ask God!
Jackie The Growing GRanny~
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Nothing wrong with thick stems. That is usually the result of an ongoing breeze and contributes to good growth.
It looks like you have a healthy girl there.
Thanks… just looked a bit strange compared to my first grow !
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